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Stefan Hoffelner's user avatar
Stefan Hoffelner
  • Member for 14 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
23 votes

Set theory and Model Theory

19 votes

Failures that lead eventually to new mathematics

10 votes

Kunen's use of Countable Transitive Models

9 votes

Notable mathematics during World War II

8 votes

Size of stationary sets

8 votes

The origins of forcing in mathematical logic and other branches of mathematics

8 votes

What ccc forcings add a Suslin tree?

5 votes

Showing that $\alpha$ isn't a cardinal in $J_{\alpha+1}^{\vec E}$ for a fine extender sequence $\vec E$

5 votes

Examples of ZFC theorems proved via forcing

3 votes

Complexity of the statement 'P is proper'

3 votes

Preservation of Woodinness when it overlaps the active extender

3 votes

Formal proof of Con(ZFC) => Con(ZFC + not CH) in ZFC

3 votes

famous papers/results by non professional mathematicians

2 votes

How do we avoid circularity when we build a structure for ZFC?

2 votes

Set theoretic question about real valued functions

2 votes

Normal measures and Elementary Embeddings

2 votes

Two questions about the boolean algebra $P(\kappa)/Cub^*$