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Sean Tilson's user avatar
Sean Tilson's user avatar
Sean Tilson
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Germany
3 votes

My first question - on Affine Schemes in Algebraic Geometry

2 votes

Reference request - CDGA vs. sAlg in char. 0

2 votes

Fiber bundle = principal bundle + fiber?

2 votes

Applications of the Brown Representability Theorem

2 votes

Spectral sequence

2 votes

Natural setting for characteristic classes?

2 votes

What is the Zariski topology good/bad for?

2 votes

Why are spectra indexed over the natural numbers?

2 votes

Vanishing of Euler class

2 votes

Is a fibre bundle over a vector bundle trivializable on each fibre?

2 votes

learning $\mathbf{A}^1$-homotopy theory

2 votes

How does all of the bundles over a certain manifold characterize the homotopy class of the base manifold?

2 votes

History of classifying spaces

1 vote

What does Rng^{op} look like?

1 vote

If a colimit of distinguished triangles exists, is it also a distinguished triangle?

1 vote

Classifying maps into homogeneous spaces up to homotopy

0 votes

Are the stiefel-Whitney classes of the tangent bundle determined by the mod 2 cohomology?

0 votes

Informal online seminars or reading groups via videoconferencing?

0 votes

What are operad automorphisms?

0 votes

Extension of Tate's result regarding Tor