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Jonathan Wise
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
83 votes

Never appeared forthcoming papers

40 votes

A proof of the salamander lemma without Mitchell's embedding theorem?

38 votes

Arbitrary products of schemes don't exist, do they?

37 votes

Intuition about the cotangent complex?

32 votes

The importance of EGA and SGA for "students of today"

28 votes

Deformation theory of representations of an algebraic group

23 votes

Periods and commas in mathematical writing

22 votes

Why is this not an algebraic space?

16 votes

Geometric meaning of the Euler sequence on $\mathbb{P}^n$ (Example 8.20.1 in Ch II of Hartshorne)

16 votes

Why are derived categories natural places to do deformation theory?

16 votes

Conceptualizing Weil Pairing for elliptic curves ( and number fields)

14 votes

Negative Gromov-Witten invariants

14 votes

Assumptions on the category C for sheafification of C-valued presheaves

14 votes

Infinite products exist *only* for affine schemes?

13 votes

equivalence of Grothendieck-style versus Cech-style sheaf cohomology

12 votes

to what extent does the category Cov(X) determine a topological space X?

11 votes

Is Illusie's generalization of the cotangent complex to arbitrary ringed toposes necessary in algebraic geometry?

11 votes

Is the functor of open subschemes representable?

11 votes

Commutative rings to algebraic spaces in one jump?

11 votes

Universal property of the tangent bundle

10 votes

Blackboard rendering of math fonts

9 votes

Can a vector space over an infinite field be a finite union of proper subspaces?

9 votes

A technical question about derivations of sheaves on group schemes

9 votes

Essential geometric morphisms on the étale site.

8 votes

Why is a topology made up of 'open' sets?

8 votes

What is an example of a presheaf P where P^+ is not a sheaf, only a separated presheaf?

7 votes

examples of moduli functors for which coarse moduli space does not exists

7 votes

$Pic$ of the stack of elliptic curves vs. $Pic$ of the coarse space

6 votes

algebraization theorems

6 votes

Local model of virtual fundamental cycle