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Anatoly Preygel's user avatar
Anatoly Preygel's user avatar
Anatoly Preygel
  • Member for 15 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
25 votes

Why is an injective quasi-coherent sheaf's restriction to an open subset still an injective object?

25 votes

In what topology DM stacks are stacks

21 votes

Where does the splitting principle come from and does it generalize

15 votes

Interdependence between A^1 homotopy theory and algebraic cobordism

15 votes

Algebraic de Rham cohomology vs. analytic de Rham cohomology

9 votes

H-space structure on infinite projective spaces

9 votes

characterization of cofibrations in CW-complexes with G-action

9 votes

Derived categories of (coherent) sheaves of modules: exceptional images, gluing, and proper descent?

9 votes

Extraordinary cohomology as a derived functor?

8 votes

Gerbes for a cyclic group. (or maybe G_m too)

8 votes

Flatness of relative canonical bundle

7 votes

Cyclic spaces and S^1-equivariant homotopy theory

7 votes

Constructible sheaves and dg-modules

7 votes

Can Deligne-Mumford stacks be characterized by their restriction to a small subcategory?

7 votes

How ugly is the isomorphism R[GxH] = R[G] (X) R[H] for groups G, H?

6 votes

Whitehead Products without Base Points?

4 votes

Homological smoothness implies projectivity?

3 votes

Proving interesting theorems about S_n using its character table.