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Peter May's user avatar
Peter May
  • Member for 14 years
  • Last seen more than a month ago
3 votes

Explicit contraction for the universal simplicial bundle WG

3 votes

Cotensor vs exponential objects.

3 votes

cofibrations in $O_G$-spaces

3 votes

Historical transition from classical homotopy to modern homotopy theory

3 votes

Relation between the category of orthogonal G-spectra and the category of orthogonal H-spectra

3 votes

Is it possible to construct an action of an $E_\infty$ operad on $BU$ that respects filtration by $BU(n)$?

3 votes

The properness of the special singular simplicial spaces

3 votes

Relationship between the cohomology of a group and the cohomology of its associated Lie algebra

3 votes

Resolutions chain homotopic to projective ones

3 votes

Classifying triangulated structures on a graded category

3 votes

When was the word "stable" first used to describe stable homotopy theory?

2 votes

On the obstruction of a sequence of simplicial spaces that is levelwise a fibration

2 votes

structure group of equivariant bundle

2 votes

Classifying map of a principal bundle

2 votes

Path space of a simplicial topological space?

2 votes

Singular analog of cellular homology

2 votes

Where can I find basic "computations" of equivariant stable homotopy groups?

2 votes

Subdivision of simplicial sets, but not the barycentric one

2 votes

Is there a recognition principle for $\mathbb{E}_{\infty}$-spaces with zero?

2 votes

How universal is operadic approach to studying algebras?

2 votes

Homology versus cohomology of Lie groups

2 votes

The homotopy cofiber of the smash product of two maps of spectra

2 votes

Is a representation sphere dualizable inside naive G-spectra?

1 vote

Characteristic classes detecting nontrivial fiberwise homotopy of sphere bundles

1 vote

Operad terminology - Operads with and without O(0).

1 vote

rationalization of classifying spaces

0 votes

A homotopyish Landweber exact functor theorem

0 votes

Mackey(also Green and Tambara) functors and Greenlees-May

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