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Karol Szumiło's user avatar
Karol Szumiło
  • Member for 13 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
8 votes

When is a cube of cofibrations are "lattice"?

7 votes

Sheaf cohomology invariant of weak homotopy type?

7 votes

Is it possible to define the notion of a localization of a category without reference to a set of morphisms, $S$?

7 votes

Can one make the category of pairs of topological spaces a model category?

7 votes

When does simplicial localization commute with functor categories?

7 votes

Is the category of $G$-spaces a model category?

7 votes

Do finite simplicial sets jointly detect isomorphisms in the homotopy category?

6 votes

Homotopy pushout independent of factorization and symmetric in cofibration category

6 votes

Affine spaces as algebras for an operad?

6 votes

Simple characterization of Postnikov & Whitehead towers?

6 votes

Freely adding degeneracies does not change the homotopy type

6 votes

recognising weak equivalences of simplicial sets

6 votes

Pushouts of equivalences of categories

6 votes

Different model structures on Top

6 votes

Do homotopy categories of finitely (co)complete quasicategories determine categorical equivalences?

6 votes

Loop space of a category

6 votes

mapping spaces of diagrams

6 votes

Alternative characterization of homotopy equivalence

5 votes

What properties make $[0,1]$ a good candidate for defining fundamental groups?

5 votes

Suspension of an excisive pair

5 votes

Two kinds of equivalence: conjugate vs. isomorphic objects

5 votes

General gluing theorem for adjunction spaces

5 votes

Reedy model structures on oplax limits

5 votes

How to simplify the proof of right-properness?

5 votes

Can the groupoid completion of a topological category be recovered from its classifying space?

5 votes

homotopy tensor product of functors and bar construction

5 votes

Does the right adjoint of the category of simplices functor is "homotopicaly inverse" to the category of simplices functor?

5 votes

Functors between simplicial sets and cubical sets with connections

5 votes

(Co)limits of locally cartesian closed categories

4 votes

Is the map between mapping spaces, induced by the functor $\vert Sing(-)\vert$ continuous?