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Sophie M
  • Member for 7 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
8 votes

Taking a theorem as a definition and proving the original definition as a theorem

6 votes

Most elementary proof showing that exponential growth wins against polynomial growth

4 votes

Sliding block code on irreducible sofic shift

2 votes

Action of a toral automorphism on a Markov partition

2 votes

Probabilistic problem on random spanning trees

1 vote

A tiling of $\mathbb{Z}^2$ from M. Barlow's paper

1 vote

Ubiquity of simplices in subsets of $\mathbb{F}_q^d$

1 vote

Given an automatic set $S$ coming from a DFA $M$ when read little-endian, is $\overline{d}(S)$ at most the Büchi acceptance probability of $M$?

1 vote

When are the 3-colorings of vertex subsets uncorrelated?

0 votes

Given an automatic set $S$ coming from a DFA $M$ when read little-endian, is $\overline{d}(S)$ at most the Büchi acceptance probability of $M$?