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1 vote
1 answer

Some basic questions about the proof of Teichmuller's uniqueness theorem

I was studying the proof of Teichmuller's uniqueness theorem from the note/book " A Primer on Mapping Class Groups " by Farb-Margalit and I got struck at a couple of points, mainly because I am new to …
9 votes
2 answers

What is / are the softwares to use to draw surfaces of the form of a two or three-holed toru...

I am trying to draw surfaces with complete hyperbolic structures and surfaces which are topologically tori. The hyperbolic surfaces I need to draw are torus with one or two holes on it, or torus with …
4 votes
1 answer

A regularity question on the Beltrami equation $ f_\bar{z} =\mu . f_z$ on $D$

Hello, This question is related to Chapter V, lemma 3 on page 54 of Lars Ahlfors' 'Lectures on Quasiconformal mappings' which states : If $\mu:\mathbb{C}\to \mathbb{D} \in W^{1,p}(\mathbb{C}), p …
9 votes
6 answers

Books for hyperbolic geometry ( surfaces ) with exercises?

what are good books on hyperbolic geometry/hyperbolic surfaces that have good number of exercises, just to get a good understanding of the literature . I know John Ratcliffe's book will be one of them …
1 vote
2 answers

( finite ) Blaschke product in higher dimensions ?

Hello, as we know, the (finite) Blaschke product $P$ in $\mathbb{C}$ or in $ \mathbb{R}^2 $ is defined by $\prod_{j=1}^{k} \frac{z-a_j}{1-\bar{a_j}z}, a_j \in \mathbb{D}$. I was wondering whether the …
1 vote
1 answer

How many pants decompositions for a given surface with a fixed hyperbolic metric?

Given a closed surface of genus $g\geq 2$ and a fixed hyperbolic metric on it, how many pants decompositions exist for that surface? I tend to believe that it is finite ? For example, if we take a s …
5 votes
4 answers

Softwares for drawing hyperbolic surfaces , closed, with boundaries or with punctures ?

In a paper I am in the process of writing in LaTeX, I need to draw and incorporate some diagrams of hyperbolic surfaces in my LaTeX document. Is there any software I can use to draw hyperbolic surface …
2 votes
2 answers

Questions about hyperbolic structures on a sphere with cone point singularities

How exactly do we put hyperbolic structures on a sphere with cone point singularities. Should I consider that sphere with cone points as an extended complex plane with punctures endowed with a suitab …
0 votes
2 answers

A quick question about Farb-Margalit's book on MCG's proof on Teichmuller's existence theorem

Hello, I was studying Farb-Margalit's " A Primer on MCG " for Teichmuller's existence theorem. On P. 347, proposition 11.14, they proved $ \omega : QD_1(X) -> Teich ( S_g) $ is proper, which, with …
0 votes
0 answers

Limit sets of Fuchsian groups and relation between lifts to $H$ of homotopic maps between hy...

Let $f,g : X \to Y$ be homotopic (quasiconformal) maps between hyperbolic Riemann surfaces $X,Y$. Consider their (unique) lifts $\tilde{f},\tilde{g}: H\to H$ , that fix $0,1,\infty $. My question is : …
0 votes
0 answers

Quick references/sources for the hyperbolic Riemann Surfaces with boundary

Hello, Here I am asking for a reference for the universal cover of hyperbolic Riemann surfaces with geodesic boundaries. For example, I want to know how the universal cover/fundamental domain of hype …
0 votes
1 answer

Teichmuller Theory question : Beltrami forms on hyperbolic Riemann surfaces whose lifts are ...

Hello, my question is related to Teichmuller Theory. Let $D$ be the open unit disk and $X=D/{\Gamma}$ be a hyperbolic Riemann surface of the Fuchsian group $\Gamma$. In Teichmuller theory, we have th …
4 votes
1 answer

Characterization of the moduli space of the pair of pants in terms of the modules of the ext...

Hi, I was thinking about the following question ; I will appreciate it if somebody can give me a full or partial answer or can at least cite any reference(s)/ papers etc : By $ \bar{P} $ , we denot …
3 votes
3 answers

Books that discuss spectral graph theory and its connection to eigenvalue problems in hyperb...

Hello, Could you name a couple of books or downloadable lecture notes that discuss spectral graph theory and its connection to spectral problems in hyperbolic Riemann surfaces ? You could also mentio …
3 votes
1 answer

The version of Montel's theorem used in the proof of Jenkins-Strebel differential

Hello, I am afraid that my main question might be a bit too elementary, but still I ask : In short, my question is "what is the version of Montel's theorem for a family of holomorphic maps from an o …

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