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Complex geometry is the study of complex manifolds, complex algebraic varieties, complex analytic spaces, and, by extension, of almost complex structures. It is a part of differential geometry, algebraic geometry and analytic geometry.

2 votes

1-convex and holomorphically convex

The answer to your question is yes , 1-convex implies holomorphic convexity. This is Grauert's solution of the Levi problem.You can find a proof in the book of Fritzsche and Grauert titled From Holomo …
Mohan Ramachandran's user avatar
3 votes

A cohomological variant of the second Riemann's extension theorem

For the first cohomology statement, you need the codimension to be at least three and for the first and second cohomology, codimension four. This theorem was proved by G Scheja in [1]. You can also fi …
Daniele Tampieri's user avatar
5 votes

Dimension of intersection of real analytic sets

For a counterexample take a sphere in 3 space and a plane tangent to it .
Mohan Ramachandran's user avatar
7 votes

Connectedness of boundary of a Stein domain

This is a consequence of the fact that any Stein manifold with complex dimension at least 2 has one end. This follows from Hartogs extension across compact sets in Stein manifolds. You can find a proo …
Mohan Ramachandran's user avatar
18 votes

Hartogs' theorem for real-analytic subvarieties

The answer to your question is yes. It is enough to have the $2n-2$ dimensional Hausdorff measure of $X$ be zero and $X$ is closed. See the book of E. M. Chirka Complex Analytic Sets, page 298 proposi …
Daniele Tampieri's user avatar
27 votes

Does every group arise as the fundamental group of a complete Kähler manifold?

Any Stein manifold admits a complete Kähler metric. Start with a connected real analytic manifold with the given fundamental group. A suitable tubular neighbourhood of the complexification will be St …
Michael Albanese's user avatar
3 votes

Normal Cones for Complex Spaces

Proposition 1.17 in the paper Complex Analytic Cones by Axelsson and Magnusson in Math Ann 273 pages 601-628 answers your question.
Mohan Ramachandran's user avatar
4 votes

Does there exists a complete Kahler metric with positive scalar curvature on Poincare disk?

The answer to your question is no.In case of surfaces the scalar curvature and Ricci curvature coincide with Gauss curvature. If an n dimensional M had a complete Riemannian metric h with nonnegative …
Mohan Ramachandran's user avatar
5 votes

Monodromy representations and branched covers

For a modern treatment of the Grauert Remmert argument see Chapter 4 in the book Several Complex Variables vol 7 by Dethloff and Grauert . For an alternate proof using resolution of singularities see …
Mohan Ramachandran's user avatar
5 votes

Plurisubharmonic function and complete Kähler metric on certain Kähler manifold

Question 1: Plurisubharmonic functions extend across codimension 2 subvarieties . Let X be the complex projective plane blown up at one point and D be the exceptional divisor then any plurisubharmonic …
Mohan Ramachandran's user avatar
5 votes

Is hyperbolicity a Zariski open condition?

Yes,Hyperbolicity is an open condition .You can find it in Brody's paper in Trans Amer Math Soc vol235 1978 page 216 . A more general statement can be found in Kobayashi's book Hyperbolic Complex Spac …
Mohan Ramachandran's user avatar
1 vote

Reference request: Existence of plurisubharmonic potential for positive (1,1)-current on Ste...

The fact that you are looking for requires the current to be exact.On any Stein manifold for which the second cohomology group with integer coefficients has non trivial torsion free part,there are hol …
Mohan Ramachandran's user avatar
11 votes

Is there a divisor in $\mathbb P^2$ such that all analytic maps into its complement algebraize?

On page 73 of Kobayashi's book Hyperbolic Complex spaces he shows that if D is a certain configuration of 6 lines in the plane then its complement is complete hyperbolic and hyperbolically embedded i …
Mohan Ramachandran's user avatar
3 votes

Connectivity of complements of Stein opens

If you look at corollary 4.10 page 45 of the book of Banica and Stanasila titled Algebraic methods in the global theory of complex spaces,you will find a proof of the following .Any irreducible Stein …
Mohan Ramachandran's user avatar
2 votes

Singularities of the Remmert reduction of a holomorphic convex manifold

The Cartan Remmert reduction can be any normal Stein space.By a theorem of Bingener and Flenner Arch Math (Basel)32(1979) pages 34-37 One can construct normal Stein spaces with unbounded embedding dim …
Mohan Ramachandran's user avatar

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