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Continuum theory, point-set topology, spaces with algebraic structure, foundations, dimension theory, local and global properties.

4 votes

What should be taught in a 1st course on smooth manifolds?

This is in agreement with Igor's comment on Anton's answer, but became too long. I'd say whatever approach you ultimately take, for a first-year grad course it surely has to be done 'properly', i.e. …
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2 votes
2 answers

When is the group of homeomorphisms of a compact space locally compact?

When is the group of homeomorphisms of a compact space locally compact? I am interested in finding out when the group of homeomorphisms of a compact topological space $X$ (with appropriate topo …
5 votes

Expressing any f(x,y) using only addition and unary functions?

This is "due in successively more exact forms to Kolmogorov, Arnol'd and a succession of mathematicians ending with Kahane", to quote T.W. Korner on the subject. I am informed that the proof I met is …
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0 votes

Applications of connectedness

You can get the maximum principle for subharmonic functions: Write $F$ for the supremum of $f$ in $\Omega$, write $A$ for the set where $f = F$ and $B$ for the set where $f < F$. Then $\Omega = A \cu …
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