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Ehresmann connections; covariant derivatives; connections on vector bundles, principal bundles, ∞-bundles, submersions, bundle gerbes; holonomy and higher holonomy; parallel transport; torsion; curvature. See also the tags [principal-bundles], [vector-bundles], [gerbes], [curvature], [geodesics], [characteristic-classes], [torsion].

18 votes

A non-Abelian de Rham complex?

What is being described in the main post is simply the de Rham (crossed) complex valued in a Lie group (not necessarily commutative). See, for example, Section 6.2 in Anders Kock's Synthetic Geometry …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
9 votes

Obstructions to the existence of a flat connection on a vector bundle

A $d$-dimensional flat real vector bundle $E→M$ is classified by a map $\def\B{{\sf B}}\def\GL{{\rm GL}}M→\B\GL(d)_δ$, where $\GL(d)_δ$ is the orthogonal group equipped with the discrete topology. Arb …
6 votes

What is the natural Lie groupoid structure on the Atiyah Lie groupoid of a principal $G$-bun...

Contrary to what is claimed in the comments, I would argue that the definition given in nLab's Idea section is rigorous enough to be an actual definition in a research-level paper, possibly with an ad …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
5 votes

1d TQFT minus connection =?

Furthermore, there is an equivalence between 1-dimensional smooth TFTs over X and vector bundles with connections over X. …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
4 votes

Flat connections, curvature and holonomy

The Stokes theorem must be modified first to deal with the nonabelian case. See, Section 3.2, Theorem 3.4 and the displayed formula on top of page 48 for an appropriate …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
3 votes

An identity for the higher form Levi-Civita connection

Both $m∘∇$ and $d$ are natural operations from $k$-forms to $(k+1)$-forms. By Palais's theorem, all such operations are proportional to the de Rham differential. That is, $m∘∇=λd$ for some $λ$. By exa …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
1 vote

Given a Lie $2$-group $G$ does every principal $G$ $2$-bundle admit a $2$-connection?

For example, if $G$ is an ordinary Lie group, then connections on the trivial $G$-bundle are given by Lie algebra-valued differential 1-forms, which do possess the extension property from spheres to disks …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar