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Algebraic varieties, stacks, sheaves, schemes, moduli spaces, complex geometry, quantum cohomology.

3 votes

Two questions about counter example for Torelli theorem for hyperkahler manifolds

Question 1. It's not hard to see that $F$ is $\Sigma \times {\Bbb C} P^1$ and $\Sigma$ is a torus. Therefore the Albanese map is a projection to a torus. Question 2. If $f^* \delta=-\delta$, then th …
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
3 votes

Deforming curves on Calabi-Yaus

If the curves are ample (that is, the normal bundles are $\oplus_i\mathcal{O}(k_i)$, with all $k_i>0$), they can be deformed to a smooth one (see Kollar, Rational Curves). Of course, this cannot happe …
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
4 votes

threefolds with $h^{2, 0}=1$

You can prove that such threefolds are either P^1-fibration over a base, which is a surface with $h^{2,0}=1$, or have pseudoeffective canonical bundle: arXiv:1304.7891, Corollary 4.3. In the later cas …
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
5 votes

morphism between projective spaces

There are no holomorphic maps from a projective space to a Kahler manifold X of smaller dimension. Indeed, the pullback of a Kahler form $\omega_X$ cannot be exact, because a positive closed form, in …
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
2 votes

Quotient of an abelian surface by an antisymplectic involution

Averaging a Kaehler class over the involution, and taking the corresponding Ricci-flat metric, we may assume that the involution preserves a flat metric on a torus. At each fixed point, the eigenvalu …
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
13 votes

Action of automorphisms of a $K3$ surface on its $(-2)$-curves

The group of symplectomorphisms $Aut(X)$ of a K3 is the group $O(\Lambda)$ of automorphisms of its period lattice $\Lambda=H^{1,1}(M,{\Bbb Z})$. For each (-2)-cohomology class $\eta\in H^{1,1}(M,{\B …
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
8 votes

What is the moduli of an algebraic torus

There is just no definition of the moduli for complex structures on non-compact manifolds, but by any reasonable definition, it would be (generally) very bad space, certainly infinite-dimensional. For …
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
12 votes

Deformations of Kähler manifolds where Hodge decomposition fails?

This is known, for projective (even Moishezon) manifolds as shown by Dan Popovici in his paper For general Kaehler manifold, this is conjectured. Popovici has proved t …
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
9 votes

Different occurences of the word 'period' in algebraic geometry

The second and the third are pretty much equivalent. Indeed, "the period" in XIX century sense is essentially the same as the discrepancy between the branches of a multi-valued function, obtained as a …
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
3 votes

examples of Kähler manifolds with trivial Hodge numbers and first Chern classes

If the Chern class vanishes over integers, it's Calabi-Yau manifold, and it has a holomorphic (n,0)-form by Bogomolov's theorem (see there: Two definitions of Calabi-Yau manifolds). If you relax your …
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
2 votes

characterization of structure group

The correct version of this statement is the following. Let $B$ be a stable vector bundle with structure group $G$, and $TB$ a tensor component in the bundle of all tensors over $B$ (that is, a sub-bu …
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
5 votes

Extending vector bundles from subvarieties

An obvious obstruction comes from topology: the Chern classes of your bundle should be obtained from restriction of Hodge classes on an ambient variety. This is (more or less) enough to extend a smoo …
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
0 votes

are stable holomorphic bundles over compact Kähler manifolds simple?

It seems that the answer is very simple (and should have been known to Uhlenbeck-Yau). Let $E$ be a stable bundle, equipped with an Hermitian-Einstein metric and connection, and $End(E)$ its authomorp …
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
1 vote

The trace of a wedge product of matrices

This is valid for any vector bundle $B$. One considers $R$ as a 2-form with coefficients in endomorphisms of a bundle $B$. Then $R\wedge R$ is a 4-form with coefficients in endomorphisms, and the trac …
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
3 votes

Positivity question on K3 surfaces

Let me prove that $(L,D)\geq 0$. Consider the set of all (1,1)-classes which satisfy $\eta^2\geq 0$. It is a union of two components $P_+$ and $P_-$, intersecting in 0. If $\eta, \eta'$ are in the …
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar

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