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Algebraic varieties, stacks, sheaves, schemes, moduli spaces, complex geometry, quantum cohomology.

27 votes

Pushouts in the Category of Schemes

Given schemes $X,Y$ and $Z$ such that $Z$ is a closed subscheme of both $X$ and $Y$ the pushout exists in the category of schemes. So in particular one can glue schemes along a closed point. A referen …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
22 votes

Why do people "forget" Verdier abelianization functor?(Looking for application)

The problem with respect to applications of the abelianization is that the abelian categories one produces are almost uniformly horrible. More precisely they are just too big to deal with. So using th …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
19 votes

Nonprojective Surface

There is a construction of a proper normal non-projective surface here . There is an example given by Nagata in his paper "Existence theorems for nonprojective complete algebraic varieties" in the I …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
14 votes

Characterization of schemes whose dualizing complex is perfect

As Hailong said in his comment this only happens in the Gorenstein case; here is a sketch of an argument. Suppose $X$ is a quasi-compact quasi-separated scheme with a dualising complex $D$ and let us …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
13 votes

When does sheaf cohomology commute with arbitrary direct sums?

I am not sure if you are only really interested in properly stacky things, but it is perhaps worth pointing out that the result you mentioned from Hartshorne is true in significantly greater generalit …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
10 votes

Does the fiber product of two normal varieties remain normal?

The answer is yes. In general one can define a normal morphism of schemes $f:X \rightarrow Y$ to be a flat morphism such that for every $y \in Y$ the fibre over $y$ is geometrically normal. Then we …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
9 votes

Verdier duality via Brown representability?

The category of sheaves of $\mathbb{Q}$ vector spaces on $M$ is a Grothendieck abelian category. It follows that the derived category of such, $D(M)$ in your notation, is a well generated triangulated …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
9 votes

Matrix factorization categories beyond the isolated singularity case

The answer to (1) is yes for any local abstract hypersurface $S$ whose singular locus is closed (which is barely a hypothesis, and free in the case of interest). Let us write $\mathrm{Sing} \;S$ for t …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
8 votes

Equivalence of derived categories which is not Fourier-Mukai

I don't know of a counterexample but I can tell you some more situations in which it is true. Ballard has extended Orlov's result (in Equivalences of derived categories of sheaves on quasi-projective …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Can any countably generated k-algebra occur as the ring of global sections of some variety?

In the answer to this question we saw that there exists a nonsingular quasi-projective threefold over a field with non-finitely generated global sections. I was talking about this previous questi …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
8 votes

What are the most important instances of the "yoga of generic points"?

An example (Hartshorne Ch II Ex 3.7) where the condition at the generic point is not vacuous is: Suppose that f:X -> Y is a dominant finite type morphism of integral schemes such that Y is irreducibl …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
7 votes

"Points" in algebraic geometry: Why shift from m-Spec to Spec?

For starters is worth noting that in the case of Jacobson rings (and more generally Jacobson schemes) ( for instance has a definition) that the spectrum of ma …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
7 votes

When does the sheaf direct image functor f_* have a right adjoint?

Provided that $X$ is quasi-compact and separated and $f$ is separated then what is true is that $Rf_\ast \colon \operatorname{D}(X) \to \operatorname{D}(Y)$ has a right adjoint $f^!$ where these are t …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
7 votes

Stalks of sheaf-hom

The result in Hartshorne if I recall correctly only really uses the fact that affine locally a coherent sheaf on a scheme has a locally free resolution by finite rank projectives and that one can comp …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
6 votes

Does the fiber product of two regular varieties over perfect field remain regular?

The answer is yes. Indeed, over a perfect field the notions of smooth and regular coincide so it follows from the fact that base change and composition preserve smoothness.
Greg Stevenson's user avatar

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