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Linear representations of algebras and groups, Lie theory, associative algebras, multilinear algebra.

3 votes

Criteria for a character being a root of unity

This problem has little to do with representation theory, other than the fact that the eigenvalues of a matrix of finite order are roots of unity. If $\alpha$ lies in a cyclotomic extension $K$ of $\m …
Richard Stanley's user avatar
2 votes

Character values at a cyclic permutation of a symmetric group

I will confine my comment to ordinary characters. I suspect that if $p$ is not too close to $n$ then the largest character value will be roughly of size $\sqrt{(n-p)!}$. Let $\mu$ be a partition of $ …
Richard Stanley's user avatar
16 votes

Tensor powers of the standard representation

For convenience consider the representation $Y=V_n\oplus V_{n-1,1}$ instead of $V_{n-1,1}$. Then the multiplicity of the representation of $S_n$ indexed by the partition $\lambda$ of $n$ in the $k$th …
Richard Stanley's user avatar
8 votes

Constructing new polynomials by product of roots

In the language of symmetric functions, you are computing the plethysm $e_j[e_k]$ (also denoted $e_k\circ e_j$) of elementary symmetric functions. In terms of $\mathrm{GL}(n,\mathbb{C})$ representatio …
Richard Stanley's user avatar
4 votes

Evaluation of irreducible representations of the hyperoctahedral group at bipartition $(\lam...

In general, if $(\lambda,\mu)$ is a bipartition of $n$, then $$ \prod_i(p_{\lambda_i}(x)+p_{\lambda_i}(y))\cdot\prod_j (p_{\mu_j}(x)-p_{\mu_j}(y)) = \sum_{(\alpha,\beta)} \chi^{\al …
Richard Stanley's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a nice form for the Frobenius characteristic of a border shape character?

The determinant of an $n\times n$ matrix with a subdiagonal of 1's, and 0's below the 1's, can be written as a sum over subsets of $S$ and interpreted in terms of Inclusion-Exclusion. See Enumerative …
Richard Stanley's user avatar
4 votes

Counting the orbits of a set of tabloids under the action of a Young subgroup

The number of ways to place the balls so that the $j$th box holds exactly $\lambda_j$ balls is the number $N_{\lambda\mu}$ of matrices of nonnegative integers with row sum vector $\lambda$ and column …
Richard Stanley's user avatar
13 votes

Decomposing the conjugacy representation of Sym$(n)$ for small $n$

The multiplicity of the irreducible character of $S_n$ indexed by the partition $\lambda$ of $n$ in the action of $S_n$ on itself by conjugation is the coefficient of the Schur function $s_\lambda$ i …
Richard Stanley's user avatar
7 votes

Representations of S_n induced from centralizers of elements

I gave an answer for inducing the trivial representation in a comment at Decomposing the conjugacy representation of Sym$(n)$ for small $n$. It is in terms of a plethysm that seems to be just as intra …
Richard Stanley's user avatar
10 votes

Combinatorics of index sets multiplicities in characters of symmetric groups

It can't be true in general that $m_{\mu,I}$ is always 0 or 1. That is because $K_{\mu,1^n}=f^\mu$, the number of standard Young tableaux of shape $\mu$. The maximum value of $f^\mu$ for $\mu\vdash n$ …
Richard Stanley's user avatar
10 votes

Inverting the Weyl Character Formula

For type A, a combinatorial interpretation of the entries of the inverse matrix was given by O. Egecioglu and J.B. Remmel, A combinatorial interpretation of the inverse Kostka matrix, Linear Multiline …
Richard Stanley's user avatar
13 votes

A question about an application of Molien's formula to find the generators and relations of ...

The answer by Ottem shows that there is some way to write the generating function to correspond to a chain of syzygies. However, it is not true that every way works. For instance, let $G$ be the group …
Richard Stanley's user avatar
11 votes

Avatars of the ring of symmetric polynomials

The cohomology ring of the Grassmannian, an avatar known to Philip Hall.
Richard Stanley's user avatar
8 votes

Spanning set for Lattice generated by an orbit of the group.

It seems to me that the answer is no. For instance, let $\rho(G)$ consist of the $2\times 2$ signed permutation matrices, a group of order 8. Let $w=(2,1)$. The lattice $L$ is all of $\mathbb{Z}^2$ si …
Richard Stanley's user avatar
8 votes

sum of character product over derangements

Using standard symmetric function notation, we have \begin{eqnarray*} \sum_{n\geq 0}\sum_{\lambda,\mu\vdash n} \frac{1}{n!}\left(\sum_{\pi\in D_n}\chi_\lambda(\pi)\chi_\mu(\pi)\right) s_\l …
Richard Stanley's user avatar

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