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Homotopy theory is an important sub-field of algebraic topology. It is mainly concerned with the properties and structures of spaces which are invariant under homotopy. Chief among these are the homotopy groups of spaces, specifically those of spheres. Homotopy theory includes a broad set of ideas and techniques, such as cohomology theories, spectra and stable homotopy theory, model categories, spectral sequences, and classifying spaces.

86 votes

Why do finite homotopy groups imply finite homology groups?

(This answer has been edited to give more details.) Finitely generated homotopy groups do not imply finitely generated homology groups. Stallings gave an example of a finitely presented group $G$ suc …
Allen Hatcher's user avatar
79 votes

Maps which induce the same homomorphism on homotopy and homology groups are homotopic

Take the composition of a degree one map $f:T^3\to S^3$ with the Hopf map $g:S^3\to S^2$, where $T^3$ is the 3-torus. This composition is trivial on homotopy groups since $T^3$ is aspherical and $\pi_ …
Allen Hatcher's user avatar
43 votes

nontrivial $\pi_2(\textrm{Diff}(M))$

$\newcommand{\Diff}{\mathrm{Diff}}$Probably the simplest such manifold is $S^1 \times S^2$, whose diffeomorphism group has the homotopy type of $O(2) \times O(3) \times \Omega SO(3)$. This has $\pi_2$ …
Allen Hatcher's user avatar
34 votes

Are there pairs of highly connected finite CW-complexes with the same homotopy groups?

Here is a method for constructing examples. If a fiber bundle $F \to E \to B$ has a section, the associated long exact sequence of homotopy groups splits, so the homotopy groups of $E$ are the same a …
Allen Hatcher's user avatar
32 votes

Survey articles on homotopy groups of spheres

While my Algebraic Topology book and my unfinished book on spectral sequences (referred to in other answers to this question) contain some information about homotopy groups of spheres, they don't real …
Allen Hatcher's user avatar
28 votes

Is the space of diffeomorphisms homotopy equivalent to a CW-complex?

Here is an example where ${\rm Diff}(M)$ with the compact-open topology is not homotopy equivalent to a CW complex. Take $M$ to be a surface of infinite genus, say the simplest one with just one nonco …
Allen Hatcher's user avatar
22 votes

Detecting homotopy nontriviality of an element in a torsion homotopy group

How about thinking about framed cobordism, which in this case gives an isomorphism between $\pi_4(S^3)$ and the group of cobordism classes of normally framed 1-manifolds in $S^4$. Since your map is c …
Allen Hatcher's user avatar
20 votes

The Wedge Sum of path connected topological spaces

A counterexample is shown on the cover of the paperback edition of the classic textbook Homology Theory by Hilton and Wylie. This can be viewed on the amazon webpage for the book. The example consis …
Allen Hatcher's user avatar
16 votes

Killing the torsion in homotopy

I don't have an answer to this question, but for the analogous question for homology it looks like it can't be done. By the universal coefficient theorem, a construction like this for homology would g …
Allen Hatcher's user avatar
16 votes

Mapping Class Group (MCG) of connected sum of 3-torus and $S^2\times S^1$

The mapping class groups of all compact orientable 3-manifolds are essentially known. A fairly detailed summary of the results, focusing on the nonprime case and with references to proofs in the lite …
Allen Hatcher's user avatar
15 votes

Is geometric realization of the total singular complex of a space homotopy equivalent to the...

The map from the (realization of the) singular complex of a space $X$ to $X$ is a homotopy equivalence if and only if $X$ is homotopy equivalent to a CW complex, so to get examples where the map is no …
Allen Hatcher's user avatar
13 votes

How can I endow a "locally product" CW structure on a vector bundle over a CW complex?

The authors of this book are attempting to use CW structures to justify certain cohomology isomorphisms, but this seems to be the wrong approach since some of their claims about CW structures are just …
Allen Hatcher's user avatar
11 votes

Homotopy versus path-homotopy on punctured surface

The special feature of $X$, a sphere with three or more punctures, that is being used here is that the space $E(X)$ of all homotopy equivalences $X\to X$ has $\pi_1 E(X)=0$. (Here we take the identity …
Allen Hatcher's user avatar
9 votes

Non-zero homotopy/homology in diffeomorphism groups

If ${\rm Diff}(M)$ is contractible then the question of course has a negative answer. Examples where this happens are known in dimension three but not in higher dimensions. For $M$ a closed hyperboli …
Allen Hatcher's user avatar
5 votes

Homotopy classes of homeomorphisms of a multiple pointed space

The answer is No, a homotopy relative to $P$ cannot in general be improved to an isotopy. To see this, consider the fibration $$ {\rm HomEq}^+(M\ {\rm rel} \ P)\to {\rm HomEq}^+(M)\to {\rm Map}(P,M) …
Allen Hatcher's user avatar

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