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Descriptive Set Theory is the study of definable subsets of Polish spaces, where definable is taken to mean from the Borel or projective hierarchies. Other topics include infinite games and determinacy, definable equivalence relations and Borel reductions between them, Polish groups, and effective descriptive set theory.

5 votes

Topological analog of the Lusin-N property

Let $K$ be a nowhere dense closed subset of $[0,1]$ of positive Lebesgue measure $\delta>0$. Such a set $K$ can be obtained using the standard technique for constructing a nowhere dense closed set of …
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
3 votes

Definition of $F_{\sigma}$ sets in terms of $\varepsilon$?

Suppose that $(X,d)$ is a complete metric space. Then a subset $G\subseteq X$ is a $G_{\delta}$-set precisely when $G$ can be given a complete metric which induces the subspace topology on $G$. The no …
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
3 votes

A rare property of Hausdorff spaces

If $(X,\mathcal{S})$ is a regular space, then the $P$-space coreflection of $(X,\mathcal{S})$ is the space generated by the basis $\{\bigcap_{n\in\omega}U_{n}\mid\forall n\,U_{n}\in\mathcal{S}\}$. A c …
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
3 votes

Countably generated $\sigma$-algebra

For the first question, the answer is yes. There is an isomorphism between measure algebras. Let $B$ be the Boolean algebra of all measurable sets modulo the collection of null sets. Then define a met …
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
6 votes

Is it possible for a separable metric and a non-separable metric to have the same Borel $\si...

It is possible that $(X,d_{1})$ has the same Borel sets as $(X,d_{2})$ when $d_{1}$ is separable and $d_{2}$ is not by assuming the Martin's axiom and the negation of the continuum hypothesis by the a …
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
1 vote

Cohen algebra (generalization)

I was skimming through the handbook of set theory, and I stumbled upon a combinatorial characterization of the Cohen algebras $Ro(2^{\kappa})$ where $\kappa$ is any infinite cardinal and $2^{\kappa}$ …
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
8 votes

Cofinality of a $\sigma$-ideal of $\mathbb{R}$

$\textbf{A counterexample when $2^{\aleph_{0}}$ is regular}$. This holds if $2^{\aleph_{0}}$ is a regular cardinal. In fact, it holds for any regular cardinal. If $\kappa$ is a regular cardinal, then …
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
4 votes

Does every separated measurable space embed into a power of $\{0,1\}$?

Let $X$ be a set and give $X$ the discrete topology. Give $X\cup\{\infty\}$ the one-point compactification $X$. Then every subset $U$ of $X$ is open in $X\cup\{\infty\}$. Therefore, every subset of $U …
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
12 votes

Is there a suitably generalized Baire property for topological spaces of arbitrary cardinali...

I am not sure if this is the kind of answer you were looking for, but since no one has given an answer yet, I think it is a good idea to say what little I know about larger cardinal analogues of the B …
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
4 votes

Different Metrics for Baire Space and their induced Topologies

I am going to answer the question that you all ask whenever you see a metric space "is it complete?" $\mathbf{Proposition}$ The metric $d'$ on $\mathbb{N}^{\mathbb{N}}$ is not a complete metric. $\ …
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
14 votes

Generalizations of the Tietze extension theorem (and Lusin's theorem)

There is a nice characterization of the spaces $X$ where the Tietze extension theorem holds for all complete separable metric spaces $Y$. We say that a Hausdorff space $X$ is ultranormal if whenever $ …
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
4 votes

Cohen algebra (generalization)

There is a characterization of what you call a random algebra found in [1][Ch. 15. Sec 3]. This characterization involves the notion of a measure algebra. We define a measure algebra to be a Boolean …
Joseph Van Name's user avatar