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Riemann surfaces(Riemannian surfaces) is one dimensional complex manifold. For questions about classical examples in complex analysis, complex geometry, surface topology.

0 votes
1 answer

Cross-ratios of $4$ boundary points on a continuous family of disks in $\mathbb C^1$

Let $S^1=\mathbb R^1/\mathbb Z$. Consider a family $\varphi_t$ of pieceswise smooth injective maps $\varphi_t:S^1\to \mathbb C^1$ depending continuously on $t$. Then each curve $\varphi_t(S^1)$ is a …
aglearner's user avatar
  • 14.3k
4 votes
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Modulus of an annulus with a cut

Let $A_r$ be a complex annulus of modulus $r>0$ obtained from a $1\times r$ rectangle in $\mathbb C$ with vertices $A=0$, $B=r$, $C=r+i$, $D=i$, by identifying isomterically $AB$ with $DC$. Let us no …
aglearner's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic Riemann surfaces: classification?

In the book of Kra and Farkas on Riemann surfaces the following (slightly unusual) definition is given: Definition IV.3.2 (Section IV.3). Let $M$ be a Riemann surface. We will call $M$ elliptic if and …
aglearner's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Self homeomorphism of $\mathbb CP^1$ holomorphic a.e

Suppose $\varphi:\mathbb CP^1\to \mathbb CP^1$ is a homeomorphism holomorphic on a connected open subset $U\subset \mathbb CP^1$ with $\mathbb CP^1\setminus U$ of zero measure. Is it true that $\varph …
aglearner's user avatar
  • 14.3k
12 votes
4 answers

A question on deformations of Theta divisor in the Jacobian of a complex curve

Suppose $C_g$ is a smooth compact complex curve (of genus $g$), and let $J$ be its Jacobian. Recall that the Jacobian $J$ of a curve $C_g$ is a complex torus that can by obtained by contractions of a …
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14 votes
2 answers

A "holomorphic" Peano curve?

A Peano curve is a continuous map $[0,1]\to [0,1]^2$ whose image is the whole square. I would like to know if on can obtain "holomorphic" Peano curves. Namely, is it possible to find a continuous ma …
aglearner's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Complex curves covered by smooth plane curves

Question: Is it true that for every smooth compact complex curve $C$ there exists a smooth curve $C'$ in $\mathbb CP^2$ that admits a non-trivial morphism (i.e. holomorphic map) $C'\to C$? Motivation …
aglearner's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Injective morphism from curves to $\mathbb CP^2$

Is there a smooth compact complex curve that does not admit an injective holomorphic map to $\mathbb CP^2$ ? Let me stress, that the image of the curve in $\mathbb CP^2$ can have singularities. I sho …
aglearner's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

A "Riemannian" analogue of Kobayashi metric?

Recall that Kobayashi metric is defined on any complex manifold $M$. This is a pseudo-metric according to which a tangent vector $v$ at $P$ has length at most $1$ if there is holomorphic map from th …
aglearner's user avatar
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7 votes
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Paths $tg_1+(1-t)g_0$ in the moduli space of Riemann surfaces

Suppose $S$ is a smooth compact oriented surface without boundary. Let $g_0$ and $g_1$ be two smooth Riemannian metrics on $S$. Consider the interpolating path of metrics $g_t=g_1t+g_0(1-t)$. Recall t …
aglearner's user avatar
  • 14.3k
0 votes
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Regular (or complex analytic) functions on M_3

Let $M_3$ be the moduli space of genus three curves over $\mathbb C$. Are there non-constant regular functions of this space? What about complex analytic functions? This question is prompted by the …
aglearner's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Short basis in $\pi_1$ on a hyperbolic surface of bounded diameter

First, some terminology. Let $(S,x)$ be a compact surface of genus $g>0$. A standard collection of loops $\gamma_1,\ldots, \gamma_{2g}$ based at $x$ is a collection of loops that cuts $S$ into a topol …
aglearner's user avatar
  • 14.3k
4 votes
1 answer

Residual finiteness of fundamental groups of surfaces.

What is a simple way to prove that for any compact two-dimensional surface $S$ and an element $g$ in $\mathbb \pi_1(S)$ there exists a finite index normal subgroup $\Gamma\subset \pi_1(S)$ such that $ …
aglearner's user avatar
  • 14.3k
9 votes
1 answer

Injective morphism from an elliptic curve to $\mathbb CP^2$.

Let $E$ be the elliptic curve $x^3+y^3+z^3=0$. Question. Are there injective morphisms $E\to \mathbb CP^2$ of arbitrary high degree? Comments. 1) There are injective morphisms $E\to \mathbb CP^2$ o …
aglearner's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Riemann-Hurwitz for real maps

Let $S$ be a (compact, connected) Riemann surface of genus $g$ and $f: S\to \mathbb CP^1$ be a degree $d$ meromorphic function. Then the Riemann-Hurwitz formula tells us that the number of ramificatio …
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