Suppose $S$ is a smooth compact oriented surface without boundary. Let $g_0$ and $g_1$ be two smooth Riemannian metrics on $S$. Consider the interpolating path of metrics $g_t=g_1t+g_0(1-t)$. Recall that a Riemannian metric $g$ on an oriented surface defines a unique (integrable) almost complex structure $J$ satisfying $J(g)=g$, $J^2=-1$. So we get a path $\gamma: [0,1]\to M$ in the moduli space of Riemann surfaces.
Question. Is it true that $\gamma$ is a real analytic path in $M$? If so, how can I convince myself in this? (the statement strikes me as counter-intuitive...) (We recall that the moduli space of Riemann surfaces (of fixed genus) has a natural real analytic structure (for example given by Fenchel–Nielsen coordinates))
PS. The comment of abx below suddenly makes this statement much more plausible for me. Indeed if we look at the path of $J_t$, then at each point $x\in S$, ${J_t}_x$ depends analytically on $t$ (by obvious linear algebra). But still, how to go from here to saying that the path in the moduli space is real analytic?