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3 votes
1 answer

Does this hexagon theorem have a name?

Question : Do you know this property of a hexagon? Consider the configuration: Six points $A_1$, $A_2$, $A_3$, $A_4$, $A_5$, $A_6$ in a plane and let six points $B_i \in A_iA_{i+1}$ for $i=1, 2,\dots, …
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is a line associated with antipodal points (the fact, it is the generalization of Simson lin...

First time, I found a line associated with antipodal points, detail: Let $ABC$ be a triangle, $(C)$ is circumconic of $ABC$. $P$ and $P'$ are two antipodal points. Construct three lines through $P'$ …
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
1 vote

Is it a new discovery on conic section?

Application of the theorem in post #1. I give a special case and give a proof as follows: Generalization of conjugate of a point: Let $ABC$ be a triangle, and $\Omega$ is arbitrary circumconic of $ABC …
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Golden ratio as a property of conic section (is it known?)

I am looking for a proof of a discovery as follows: Let $ABC$ be arbitrary triangle and $(\Omega)$ be an arbitrary circumconic of $ABC$ let $A'B'C'$ is its tangential triangle of $ABC$ respect to $( …
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Thirteen-point conic and four-point line, are they new?

We know that Five points determine a conic and Two Points Determine a Line. Here I found a simple construct of a conic through $7$ points (in PS I note that how the conic through thirteen points) and …
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Is it a new discovery on conic section?

I discovered a problem in plane geometry (there are some nice special cases) as follows: Let $ABC$ be a triangle and $\Omega$ be arbitrary circumconic. Let two points $A_b, A_c \in BC$, $B_c, B_a \in …
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

A new theorem (discovered in 2013) equivalent to Brianchon theorem (the old theorem) discove...

In 2013, I found a new problem as follows: Let six points $A_1$, $A_2$, ...$A_6$ lie on a circle $(O_1)$, and the six points $B_1$, $B_2$,...,$B_6$ lie on another circle $(O_2)$. If the quadruples $ …
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

A problem of four conics

I found a remarkable theorem of four conics as follows some years ago. But it has no proof; I am looking for a proof: Theorem: Take three conics. Suppose that each of them touch a fourth conic at two …
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is it a new method to construction of a conic, how can prove?

There are some methods to construct a conic, example: Based on Pascal theorem, Steiner construction, .....I propose a method to construct a conic as follows: Let $L_1, L_2$ be two parallel lines, let …
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

$N$-$th$ closed chain of six circles

Since 2013, I found a very nice configuration: $N$-th closed chain of six circles. This is a generalization of theorem 1, problem 2 in here and theorem 2 in here and here (and is also generalizatio …
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Yiu's equilateral triangle-triplet points

In more than 2300 years since Euclid's Elements appear, there were only two equilateral triangles become famous: The Morely equilateral triangle and the Napoleon equilateral triangle. In more than 200 …
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

An ellipse through 12 points related to Golden ratio

I am looking for a proof of the problem as follows: Let $ABC$ be a triangle, let points $D$, $E$ be chosen on $BC$, points $F$, $G$ be chosen on $CA$, points $H$, $I$ be chosen on $AB$, such that $IF$ …
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar