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forcing, large cardinals, descriptive set theory, infinite combinatorics, cardinal characteristics, forcing axioms, ultrapowers, measures, reflection, pcf theory, models of set theory, axioms of set theory, independence, axiom of choice, continuum hypothesis, determinacy, Borel equivalence relations, Boolean-valued models, embeddings, orders, relations, transfinite recursion, set theory as a foundation of mathematics, the philosophy of set theory.

12 votes
1 answer

Building the real from Dedekind finite sets

It is well known that the real numbers can be countable union of countable sets by starting with GCH and taking a finite support permutations while collapsing all of $\aleph_n$ for natural $n$. The id …
6 votes

Is ZF + Def a conservative extension of ZFC+HOD? If not, what are counter-examples?

Any model of ${\sf ZFC}+V=\sf HOD$ has an elementary equivalent pointwise definable model. If $M$ models $V=\sf HOD$, it has a parameter free definable well ordering, for each formula $φ$ consider the …
Holo's user avatar
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8 votes

Large cardinal near inconsistencies

I would argue that a "restricting versions" of large cardinals are such. Starting from the top down, we have the inconsistent Berkeley cardinals: $κ$ is Berkeley if for every transitive $M\ni\kappa$ …
Holo's user avatar
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2 votes

How do these two principles of Foundation written in $\mathcal L_{\omega_1,\omega}$ compare?

Your axiom schema is equivalent to being an $\omega$-model. Working inside an $\omega$-model, any counter example to your schema will be counter example of the axiom of foundation of ZFC, as you can u …
Holo's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

Weak trichotomy principle in the absence of choice

It is well known that the trichotomy property of cardinals ($∀κ,λ\in\operatorname{Card}(κ<λ∨κ=λ∨κ>λ)$) is equivalent to the axiom of choice. D. Feldman and M. Orhon had defined in [1] a generalization …
4 votes

Automorphisms of vector spaces and the complex numbers without choice

This is not a full answer, but it is too long to be a comment. Let $B(F)$ for field $F$ be the statement "every vector space over $F$ has a basis" and let $AL19(F)$ be the statement "for every vector …
Holo's user avatar
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4 votes

Does cardinal definable choice imply AC?

Over ZF yes, it does. Let $X$ be any family of nonempty sets, and let $κ$ be cardinal such that $ρ(κ)>ρ(X)$, then $V_{ρ(κ)}\setminus\{∅\}$ is cardinal definable, hence has a choice function that induc …
Holo's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Exactly how much (and how little) can partial ordered sets (classes) embed to the cardinalities

In the paper "Convex Sets of Cardinals", Truss mentioned a result of Jech: If $M$ is a countable transitive model of ZFC, and $(P,<)∈M$ is a poset, then there exists a Cohen extension of $M$ such tha …
5 votes

Does n-well ordered choice schema imply the axiom of choice?

$2$-well ordered choice is enough to imply AC. Let $α$ be any ordinal, and look at $\mathcal P^2(α)\setminus\{\emptyset\}$. We have $x\in^2 \mathcal P^2(α)\setminus\{\emptyset\}⇒∃z⊆\mathcal P(α)\;(x\i …
Holo's user avatar
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2 votes

Which fragment of ZF does the class of all hereditarily predicatively definable sets capture?

HPD satisfy extensionality and regularity trivially. It satisfy Pairing, as if $x,y\in HPD$ we can explicitly write down the definition of $(x,y)$ using only $x,y$ as parameters (and they have strictl …
Holo's user avatar
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3 votes

Can we iteratively reflect on self elementary embeddable stages of the cumulative hierarchy?

$\newcommand\Ord{\mathit{Ord}}$The edit to the question has changed it enough so I think it deserves its own answer. I assume that in reflection we have $\forall \vec{x} \in W_\alpha \, (\phi \to \ph …
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
6 votes

Can we iteratively reflect on self elementary embeddable stages of the cumulative hierarchy?

Any model of $ZF$+stationary proper class of $I3$ ordinals (whose consistency strength is at most $ZF$+$I2$) where $W_α$ is listing of $V_{κ}$ where $κ$ is $I3$ and $j_α$ the witness of $I3(V_κ)$ will …
Holo's user avatar
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0 votes

Can having no more than countably many classes, be inferred from, having every class being c...

As stated in the comments, I misread the definition of the theory and assumed it is completely in infinitary logic, while in reality the ZFC+classes fragment is still in finitary logic, so the answer …
Holo's user avatar
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6 votes

Why we need to choose direction in the "marry the arrows" algorithm?

This exact point was discussed in that paper few paragraph before your quote: Imagine for a moment that the strings of arrows represent streets— circular drives, in the case of necklaces, and long bo …
Holo's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Scott's trick without regularity

In ZF(C), one can easily get a class partition of $V$, we can even get an $\mathrm{Ord}$-partition using the Cumulative hierarchy: $P=\{V_{α+1}\setminus V_α\mid α∈\mathrm{Ord}\}$, such a partition let …

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