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'Smallest' subfield of the Surreals which is isomorphic to the Surreals as an ordered group

What is the smallest subfield $F\subset N_0$ such that $$(F,+,\times,\leq)\ncong(N_0,+,\times,\leq)$$ but $$(F,+,\leq)\cong(N_0,+,\leq)?$$ Since these are all going to be proper classes cardinality is ...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
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Subgroup of Projective general linear group on complete discrete valuation ring

Let $R$ be a complete dvr and $k$ its residue field of positive characteristic. Let $H$ be a finite subgroup of $PGL_2(k)$ such that the order of $H$ is prime with $char(k)$. Is there some ...
user75536's user avatar
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Goldbach-type problem: the valuation of irreducible elements of a subgroup of $\mathbb{Q}_{> 0}$

Let $\phi : \mathbb{Q}_{>0} \to \mathbb{Z}$ be the group morphism defined by $\phi(p) = p$ for $p$ a prime number. It follows that $\phi(\prod_i p_i^{n_i}) = \sum_i n_i p_i$, with $p_i$ a prime ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar