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32 votes
3 answers

A conjectural trigonometric identity

Recently, I formulated the following conjecture which seems novel. Conjecture. For any positive odd integer $n$, we have the identity $$\sum_{j,k=0}^{n-1}\frac1{\cos 2\pi j/n+\cos 2\pi k/n}=\frac{n^2}...
Zhi-Wei Sun's user avatar
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9 votes
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How to prove this sum involving powers of cosec is an integer?

It is claimed that the following function produces only integer values for all integer $m \geq 1$, $N \geq 2$. $F(m,N)=\frac{N^m}{2^m}\displaystyle \sum_{j=1}^{N-1} \operatorname{cosec} ^{2m}\left(\...
MilesB's user avatar
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1 vote
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Order of magnitude for trigonometric sum

Consider the following sum: $$ S_N = \sum_{ \substack{ k_1 + k_2 + k_3 =N \\ -(N-2) \leq k_1, k_2 , k_3 \leq N \\ k_1, k_2 , k_3 \neq 0 } } \frac{1}{k_1 k_2 k_3} \sin\left( \frac{k_1\pi}{N} \right) \...
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