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Triangulating piecewise-linear manifolds

Question 1: Is this the mainstream definition of a PL-manifold? Definition. A PL-manifold is a manifold with an atlas $(\varphi_i)_{i\in I}$ in which all transition maps $\varphi_j\circ\varphi_i^{-1}$ ...
Vadim's user avatar
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Three-dimensional triangulations with fixed number of vertices

My question is the following: Are there triangulations of $S^3$ which (a) are non-degenerate, (b) have four vertices, and (c) have no edges of degree two? A side question: If one represents this ...
Kregnach's user avatar
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3 answers

Ideal triangulations of $3$-manifolds with "cusps" of genus $\ge 2$

Typically when one thinks about ideal triangulations of a $3$-manifold the link of each ideal vertex is a circle, so the ideal points correspond to toroidal cusps; alternatively, one can truncate the ...
Calvin McPhail-Snyder's user avatar
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Annulus theorem for pseudomanifolds

Lets say I take an arbitrary closed and smooth $d$-manifolds $\mathcal{M}$. Now, it is a well-known fact that whenever I take two (sufficiently nice embedded) closed $d$-balls $B_{1}$ and $B_{2}$ in $\...
G. Blaickner's user avatar
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3-manifolds with stacked links

Stacked spheres A triangulation of a 2-dimensional sphere is called a stacked sphere if it is obtained inductively from the boundary of a 3-simplex by deleting a 2-face (triangle) $T$ adding a new ...
Gil Kalai's user avatar
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Ideal triangulation of hyperbolic 3-manifold with generic mapping class group

I am from physics background so I apologize in advance if my question is trivial. Kojima proves for every finite group $G$, there is a hyperbolic 3-manifold such that its mapping class group equals $G$...
Zhengdi Sun's user avatar
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Homotoping a 2-plane field on a closed orientable 3-manifold to a contact structure

I am a beginner in Contact Geometry. To prove that the inclusion $\text{Cont}(M)\hookrightarrow \text{Dist}(M)$ induces surjection at $\pi_0$ level, the closest I got was based on Ko Honda's notes. ...
Karthik C's user avatar
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What is known about the distribution of average edge-degrees for 3-manifold triangulations (with the number of 3-simplices less than a fixed constant)

This is my first question on mathoverflow! It relates to a project I'm undertaking with a student. Work by Tamura (extending results by Luo and Stong) shows that for any closed 3-manifold $M$ and any ...
Aaron Trout's user avatar