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9 answers

Haar measure on a quotient, References for

I remember reading Weil's "Basic Number Theory" and giving up after a while. Now I find myself thinking of it (thanks to some comments by Ben Linowitz). Right from the very beginning, Weil ...
Anweshi's user avatar
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Must a locally compact group be Hausdorff in order to possess a Haar measure?

Does the existence of (left) Haar measure on a locally compact topological group require that the group be Hausdorff?
Beren Sanders's user avatar
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If $ F(x,\bullet) \in {L^{\infty}}(G,B) $ for all $ x \in G $, then is $ x \mapsto F(x,\bullet) $ strongly measurable?

Let $ (X,\Sigma,\mu) $ be a $ \sigma $-finite measure space and $ B $ a Banach space. A function $ f: X \to B $ is said to be strongly $ \mu $-measurable iff it is the almost-everywhere pointwise ...
Transcendental's user avatar
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On generically Haar-null sets in the real line

First some definitions. For a Polish space $X$ by $P(X)$ we denote the space of all $\sigma$-additive Borel probability measures on $X$. The space $P(X)$ carries a Polish topology generated by the ...
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