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Weak$^*$ convergence of measures vs. convergence of supports

Let $X$ be a compact metric space and let $\mathcal M(X)$ denote the set of probability measures on $X$. For $\mu\in\mathcal M(X)$ we write $\text{supp} \mu$ for the support of $\mu$. It is easy to ...
Dominik Kwietniak's user avatar
11 votes
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Factor map between subshifts preserving topological pressure (or measure-theoretic entropy)

Let $G$ be a countable amenable group and let $X,Y$ be subshifts with finite alphabet over $G$. Suppose that $h(X) = h(Y)$ (equal topological entropy). I am interested in continuous factor maps $\pi: ...
Sophie M's user avatar
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Construction of minimal zero entropy measure-theoretically strong mixing subshift?

Does anyone know of a construction of a subshift (over $\mathbb{Z}$) which is (1) minimal (2) zero (topological) entropy (3) measure-theoretically strong mixing (for some measure)? I am in particular ...
Ronnie Pavlov's user avatar
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$C^{1+\epsilon}$ conjugacy of expanding map on circle

A continuously differentiable map $f:S^{1}\rightarrow S^{1}$ is called expanding if $|f^{'}(x)|>1$ for all $x\in S^{1}$. We can define the degree of f, def(f) to be number of preimage $f^{-1}(x)$, ...
Adam's user avatar
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Completeness of the space of measures under $d$-bar metric

Does anybody know the reference to a proof of the following fact (which is not hard to prove, but seems to be well-known, see here): The space of shift-invariant measures under Ornstein's d-bar metric ...
Dominik Kwietniak's user avatar
5 votes
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Growth in families of trees

I'm hoping that the question below is simple thermodynamic formalism, but I can't quite make it work. Any help would be very welcome. Let $\Sigma:=\{0,1\}^{\mathbb N}$ and let $\Sigma^*$ be the set ...
Tom Kempton's user avatar
4 votes
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Weighted distribution of irrational rotation

Let $\theta\in [0,1]\setminus\mathbb{Q}$. Let $\alpha_0=\theta$ and $\alpha_1=1$. Let $0<p_0<1$ and $p_1=1-p_0$. For a finite word $I=(i_1, i_2, \dots, i_n)\in \{0,1\}^n$, denote by $I'=(i_1, ...
user119197's user avatar
3 votes
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Repartition of 1's in the "Chacon word"

Consider the "Chacon words": $B_0=0$ and $B_{n+1} = B_nB_n1B_n$. The word $B_n$ has $\ell_n := \frac{3^{n+1}-1}{2}$ digits and the number of $1$'s in $B_n$ is $\ell_n - 3^n = \ell_{n-1} \sim \ell_n/3$...
Stéphane Laurent's user avatar
3 votes
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Topological pressure for subshifts on a countable alphabet

Apologies for asking two similar questions within a week of each other, I had hoped that asking a finite alphabet version of this question would lead to enlightenment but unfortunately it didn't. ...
Tom Kempton's user avatar
2 votes
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Chaotic dynamics of maps on unit square that are NOT Triangular

We will denote the compact interval $[0,1]$ by $I$ and the unit square $[0,1]\times[0,1]$ by $I^2$. Triangular map on $I^2$ is a continuous map $F:I^2\to I^2$ of the form $F(x,y)=(f(x),g(x,y))$ where $...
confused's user avatar
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Is there a condition for a subshift of finite type to be uniquely ergodic?

Are SFTs uniquely ergodic in general, or is there a known necessary and sufficient condition for them to be uniquely ergodic?
otah007's user avatar
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Number of permitted words up to permutation in a subshift

Let $A$ be a finite set and let $X \subseteq A^{\mathbb{N}}$ be a subshift. Let $\mathcal{L}_n$ denote the set of words of length $n$ appearing in $X$. For a word $w \in \mathcal{L}_n$, one can ...
Adam's user avatar
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weak-* versus entropy growth

General question. Let $\eta_{n}$ be a sequence of invariant measures on $\{0,1,2,...,p-1\}^{\mathbb{N}}$ and $B$ the Bernoulli uniform measure. Knowing that $\eta_{n} \rightarrow B$ in the weak-* ...
Bruno Brogni Uggioni's user avatar
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Entropy of factors of Bernoulli schemes

Let $X$ be a Bernoulli scheme. A factor $\psi: X \to Y$ is finitary if for almost every $x \in X$ there exist integers $m \leq n$ such that the zero coordinates of $\psi(x)$ and $\psi(x')$ agree for ...
Stephen Shea's user avatar
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Finitary factors of Bernoulli schemes that pair duals

This question is related to my question: entropy preserving finitary factor maps of Bernoulli schemes. Hopefully, this one is a bit easier. Let $X=\{0,1\}^\mathbb{Z}$ with measure $\mu=(p,1-p)^{\...
Stephen Shea's user avatar
0 votes
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Statistical characteristics of low complexity subshifts

I am looking for calculations of statistical characteristics (variance, entropy, etc.) of the $n$-dimensional distributions of the invariant measures of low complexity subshifts (e.g., the Sturmian or ...
R W's user avatar
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On a certain set of probability measures on a shift

Denote by $\mathbb{Z}_2=\{0,1\}$ the integers modulo 2. Let $S:\mathbb{Z}_{2}^{\mathbb{N}}\times\mathbb{Z}_{2}^{\mathbb{N}} \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}_{2}^{\mathbb{N}}$ be the sum $S(a,b) = a+b$, where $...
Bruno Brogni Uggioni's user avatar