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Trapping a particle

A particle starts a brownian walk in the middle of a long tunnel in the plane, at one end of the tunnel is a region Y of given area A. Does the shape of region Y affect average time for the particle ...
user57600's user avatar
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5 votes
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Scaling of First-passage times for Random Walk on integer lattices

Consider simple symmetric random walk $S_{n} = (S_{n}^{(1)},\dots, S_{n}^{(d)})$ on the d-dimensional integer lattice with starting point the origin. Let $\tau_{N}$ be the first time $S_{n}$ exits ...
John Lotos's user avatar
4 votes
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Derive the solution of the diffusion equation from the solution of a random walk

Summary The probability distribution (pdf) of a random walk in 1 dimension is represented by a Bessel function. On the other hand, the pdf of a Brownian motion in free space is represented by a ...
papad's user avatar
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3 votes
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Quadratic variation for discrete Martingale

Is there any analogue of continuous martingale quadratic variation for the discrete case? If so, are there any theorems which characterize simple random walk using quadratic variation - similar to ...
Chandrasekhar's user avatar
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Any modern/recent version of Ito & McKean?

This's a wonderful book[1] but the latest edition I have is dated 1973. Is there recent book(s)/rewrite(s) that covers the same subjects and elucidate with more explicit arguments and details of their ...
horaceT's user avatar
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Bernoulli trials with small dependencies: asymptotics (central limit theorem, law of the iterated logarithm)

Let $\{X_k\}$ be a sequence of random variables, with $X_k\in\{+1, -1\}$ for $k>0$, generated as follows. First, define $S_n=X_1+\dots +X_n$, with $X_0=S_0=0$, and let $0<\beta<\frac{1}{2}$. ...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
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Lower-bound on zero-crossing probability of the nonstationary gaussian process $X(t) = tU+(1-t^2)^{1/2}V$, with $(U,V) \sim N(0,I_2)$

Let $(X(t))_{t \in [-1,1]}$ be a centered non-stationary smooth gaussian process with covariation function $\rho(t,s) = \mathbb E[X(t)X(s)]$. For $t_0 \in (-1,1)$ and $\epsilon \in (-1-t_0,1-t_0)$, ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Integration of independent Brownian motions

I am wondering if the following integral of stochastic Brownian motions has an analytical solution? $$ \int_{0}^{t}e^{\nu \tilde{V}_{\tau} - \frac{1}{2}\nu^{2}\tau}d\tilde{W}_{\tau} $$ where $\tilde{...
user66444's user avatar
0 votes
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Probability to cross an envelopp for 1D random walk?

Imagine we have an evolving sequence composed of 1 and -1 (ex: -1-11-111...) where the probability to get -1 or 1 is 1/2. n is the lengh of my sequence. I can make an analogy with random walk: let ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Probability to cross dynamic boundary for 1D-random walk?

context: Imagine we have an evolving bit sequence (ex: 001011...) where the probability to get 0 or 1 is 1/2. n is the lengh of my sequence (the number of bits) I can make an analogy with random walk: ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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2 Random Walkers on 2d square lattice, Torus

I am looking for the probability that two random walkers initially at different sites, meet at step t if they are moving on a 2-dimensional torus(Square Lattice) Any help would be appreciated.
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