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Observability inequality for the 1D transport equation

Let $(a,b) \subset (0,1)$. Consider the following transport equation $$z_t+z_x=0, \ (t,x)\in(0,T)\times(0,1), \\z(t,0)=0, \ z(0,x)=z_0(x).$$ It is clear that the solution to the above equation is ...
Gustave's user avatar
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Stabilization of non-autonomuous 1-d wavs equation

I want to ask two questions about the stabilization of the equation $$\eqalign{ & {y_{tt}} = k(t,x){y_{xx}}+a(t,x){y_t}+ b(t,x){y_x}+ c(t,x){y_x} +d(t,x)y \ \ (t,x) \in {\text{ }}(0,\infty ) ...
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Strong stability of the wave equation with time depending potential

It is well known that the wave equation with frictional damping $$\eqalign{ & {y_{tt}} = {y_{xx}} - a(t,x){y_t}{\text{ }}{\text{,(t}}{\text{,x)}} \in {\text{ }}(0,\infty ) \times (0,1) \cr ...
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Decay estimates for wave and Klein-Gordon equation in "generic" curved backgrounds

Consider a $d$-dimensional smooth Lorentzian manifold $(M,g)$ (we assume $d\geq 3$, $M$ to be Hausdorff, paracompact and connected, hence second-countable, and that the signature convention of $g$ is $...
Pedro Lauridsen Ribeiro's user avatar
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How to analyse the stability of hyperbolic balance laws with diffusion?

Assume we have the following system of balance laws: $$ U_t+\partial_x F(U,x)=S(U,x)+\partial_x(D(U,x)U_x). $$ Is there any method to analyse the stability of its solution (assume that the solution ...
Hamed's user avatar
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well-posedness of the transport equation

I asked this question before on math exchange but did not have any luck with an answer. I would like to consider a simple example but get a thorough understanding of the theory behind it. I am ...
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