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1 answer

Gödel's Constructible Universe in Infinitary Logics (A Possible Approach to HOD Problem)

Gödel's constructible universe ($L$) is defined using definable power set operator in first order logic ($\mathcal{L}_{\omega ,\omega}$). One can produce such a universe in infinitary logics in ...
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Are all constructible from below sets parameter free definable?

Lets take the intersection of the theory of $L_{\omega_1^{CK}}$ and $\sf ZF + [V=L]$, this is equivalent to the theory of constructability from below + limit stages. Can this theory prove the ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is ZFC interpretable in a kind of an extended form of second order arithmetic?

Informally the following theory is a kind of extension of second order arithmetic, where numbers are not limited to naturals, instead here we have formation of further numbers by setting limits on ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

When is $A$ "$L$-ish" whenever $B$ is "$L$-ish"?

My question is about a variant of the usual notion of relative constructibility, $\le_c$ (which an earlier version of this question confusingly denoted "$\le_L$"), in set theory. Fix a ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Harrington's unpublished note "The constructible reals can be anything"

Around 1974, Leo Harringto wrote an unpublished note entitled "The constructible reals can be anything", in which he proved that it is consistent that being $\Delta^1_n$ is the same as being ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Can local $0^\#$ exists in L?

Assume $0^\#$ exists and there is an inaccessible cardinal. Are there two transitive sets $M,N$ s.t. $M\in N,M\vDash ZF+V=L[0^\#],N\vDash ZF+V=L$?
Reflecting_Ordinal's user avatar
6 votes
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Fine structure question: when do levels of $L$ look "a lot" like each other?

(Everything is assuming $V=L$.) Fix an uncountable regular cardinal $\kappa$, and let $$E_\kappa=\{\mu<\kappa: \mbox{there is an elementary substructure of $L_\kappa$ isomorphic to $L_\mu$}\},$$ ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Is the power set axiom essential for constructing L?

Take ZFC, remove axiom of Power set, and put instead of it the following axiom: Axiom of Successor Cardinals: $\forall \kappa\, \exists x \, \forall \alpha \, ( \alpha \leq \kappa \to \alpha \in x)$ ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
5 votes
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Sequences of projecta in the constructible hierarchy

For $n$ a natural number, $\alpha$ an ordinal, let $\rho(n,\alpha)$ be the $n$-th projectum of $J_\alpha$, where $J$ is the Jensen hierarchy for $L$. Call a finite sequence $s:=(x_1,\dots,x_m)$ of ...
M Carl's user avatar
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Levels of L resembling each other, take 2

(Everything below is assuming $V=L$.) Fix an uncountable regular cardinal $\kappa$, and let $$E_\kappa=\{\mu<\kappa: \mbox{there is an elementary substructure of $L_\kappa$ isomorphic to $L_\mu$}\}...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
2 votes
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Is this theory finitary first order complete?

If we coin a theory in $\mathcal L_{\omega_1, \omega}$ that begins with constructing pure true well founded finite sets, then the set of all true well founded hereditarily finite sets, then builds up ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
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What is the strength of this strict constructible iterative hierarchy?

Begin with the empty set then construct the set of the empty set, then construct the set of all subsets of the latter set, then at each level of construction construct the next level as the set all ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar