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Ways of proving that a framework is locally rigid

Given a (bar-and-joint) framework/linkage, I would like to know what are possible ways of showing that the framework is locally rigid. Also, what is known about the computational complexity of ...
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Frameworks in general position that are locally rigid but not infinitesimally rigid

The classical theorem of Asimow and Roth says that for a generic framework (i.e., coordinates of the nodes are algebraically independent), local rigidity and infinitesimal rigidity are equivalent. I ...
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0 answers

Which polytopes can be folded to an edge?

While playing with bar-and-joint linkages, I noticed that the skeleton of a regular 3-dimensional cube can be folded to a single edge (this can be achieved by first flexing the cube to bring it to a ...
2 votes
0 answers

Regarding rigid graphs in the plane

Quoting from the book (page 272) Graphs and Geometry by Lovasz, we have the following theorems regarding the characterization of rigid graphs in the pane. Theorem 1: A graph $G$ is rigid in the plane ...
6 votes
2 answers

Which criteria guarantee an orthogonal circuit in $\mathbb R^3$ to be rigid?

For $n\ge4$, define an orthogonal circuit or O-circuit as a closed circuit of $n$ unit segments in $\mathbb R^3$ such that any two neighboring segments form a right angle. (Physically this could be ...