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What is known about the relationship between Fermat's last theorem and Peano Arithmetic?

As far as I know, whether Fermat's Last Theorem is provable in Peano Arithmetic is an open problem. What is known about this problem? In particular, what is known about the arithmetic systems $PA + \...
Christopher King's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Reducing ACA₀ proof to First Order PA

According to the Wikipedia ACA0 is a conservative extension of First Order logic + PA. First of all I have a few questions about the proof: a - What ...
Lucas K.'s user avatar
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Does the Feferman-Schutte analysis give a precise characterization of Predicative Second-Order Arithmetic?

A definition is called impredicative if it involves quantification over a domain that contains the thing being defined. For instance, if you define hereditary property to be a property which applies ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
4 votes
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Does ACA prove categoricity of the reals?

$\def\f#1{\text{#1}}$Does $\f{ACA}$ prove that any two internally complete ordered fields are isomorphic? Here internal completeness is expressed roughly as "every sequence of reals with an upper ...
user21820's user avatar
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Does $WKL_0$ plus CON(PA+X) give a binary tree model of PA+X?

In the context of reverse mathematics $WKL_0$ is considered equivalent to Gödel's completeness theorem over $RCA_0$. Does this mean that e.g. $WKL_0$ plus the consistency statement CON(PA+X) gives a ...
Frode Alfson Bjørdal's user avatar
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The "higher topology" of countable Scott sets

Fix some computable bijection $b$ between $\omega$ and $2^{<\omega}$. For $r\in 2^\omega$, let $$[r]=\{f\in 2^\omega: \forall\sigma\prec f(b^{-1}(\sigma)\in r)\}$$ be the closed subset of Cantor ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar