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4 votes
1 answer

Where to begin in Computational Group Theory?

I'm coding a small application that looks for periodic solutions to the gravitational n-body problem. I'm trying to better understanding the symmetries of solutions, which is made up of the product of ...
16 votes
3 answers

Conjectures in the representation theory of the symmetric group

Question: What are current open conjectures about the representation theory of the symmetric group? I am interested mostly in the characteristic 0 case, but conjectures for the modular case can also ...
9 votes
0 answers

An identity for characters of the symmetric group

I am looking for a reference for the identity $$\chi_\lambda(C)=\frac{\dim(V_\lambda)}{|C|}\sum_{p\in P_\lambda,\,q\in Q_\lambda,\,pq\in C}\operatorname{sgn}(q)$$ for the irreducible characters of the ...
9 votes
2 answers

Solutions of $x^d=1$ in the symmetric group

L Moser and M Wyman, On solutions of $x^d = 1$ in symmetric groups, Canad. J. Math., 7 (1955), pages 159-168, explored asymptotic behavior of the cardinality of such permutations: $$f_d(n):=\#\{\pi\in\...
3 votes
2 answers

Is there any simple formula for the character of $S_{n}$ represented by the set of $k$-tuples of $\{1,2,...,n\}$?

I'm interested in the representation theory of symmetric groups. I'm now trying to search for the formula for the characters of $\Omega^{k}$, the set of $k$-tuple of elements of $\Omega$ a set of $n$ ...
3 votes
0 answers

Reference for the Netto's theorem on the permutation groups which was mentioned in the paper of Frobenius

I'm trying to read 'Uber die Charaktere der mehrfach transitiven Gruppen' written by Frobenius. There he mentioned some theorems of Netto. I'm depending on the Google translator. and the translation ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is there any research on the action of a subgroup on the whole finite group by conjugation?

I want to know whether there are any research on the orbits of the action of a subgroup by conjugation on the whole group, when the group is finite. (Especially whole symmetric group.) I'm especially ...
16 votes
2 answers

Decomposing $(\mathbb C^n)^{\otimes m}$ as a representation of $S_n\times S_m$

$V=\mathbb C^n$ is a $\mathbb CS_n$-module, where $S_n$ is the symmetric group of degree $n$, via the representation sending a permutation to the corresponding permutation matrix. The tensor power $V^...
10 votes
1 answer

Edge-transitive Cayley graphs of $S_n$

I came across the following question which I haven't seen before: Question. Fix $k\ge 3$. For infinitely many $n$, does there exists a generating set $\langle R_n \rangle = S_n$, $|R_n|=k$, such ...
9 votes
2 answers

alternating and symmetric powers of the standard representation of the symmetric group

Let $n \geq 7$ and $V = \mathbb{C}^n$ be the standard representation for $S_{n+1}$, the symmetric group of cardinal $(n+1)!$ Let $k$ be an integer such that $2 \leq k \leq n$. Is it true or false ...