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Questions tagged [reading-list]

Questions about recommended reading on a specific topic or from a specific time period.

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List of modern points of view simplifying or clarifying classical topics

There are many modern mathematical achievements which greatly clarify or (and) simplify classical important topics. I believe a list of such achievements, among other benefits, would be a big help for ...
4 votes
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Effective way for studying PDEs

I am new to this stack, and thought my question belongs here. I am a first-year graduate student currently taking my second course on PDEs (basically covering Evans ch. 5 and onwards). I am planning ...
Morcus's user avatar
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Nim variant with minimum number of objects?

I'm wondering where I can find in the literature (if it exists) a discussion of a Nim variant where we impose the additional condition on Nim that we can remove only up to $c$ objects before the game ...
CSSTUDENT's user avatar
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Reading material similar to ‘geometry of linear groups’ chapter of Suzuki ‘Group theory I’

I am trying to find sources and other texts that cover similar material as in the title in Suzuki’s ‘group theory I’. This involves, definition and properties of buildings, complexes, the Weyl group ...
Anonmath101's user avatar
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Prerequisites/Preparation for understanding a research paper - global solutions to Einstein field in Bondi Coordinates

I would like to read this paper: João L. Costa, Filipe C. Mena, Global solutions to the spherically symmetric Einstein-scalar field system with a positive cosmological constant in Bondi ...
Sun's user avatar
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