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Distinguishing Square Knot and Granny Knot using Quandles

It is known that the square knot and the granny knot are nonequivalent although they have isomorphic fundamental groups. I want to write a work on knot theory and provide these knots as an example ...
Simon1729's user avatar
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Classification of pretzel links up to link homotopy using alexander quandle

I am currently reading this paper where the author classifies the pretzel links up to link homotopy using a quasi-trivial quandle $\mathbb{Z}_{k}[t^{\pm 1}]\diagup_{(t-1)^{2}}$, and I find it ...
Suki's user avatar
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Is there a Dehn-like presentation of a knot quandle?

The knot group can be presented using either a Wirtinger presentation (with generators corresponding to arcs of the knot diagram) or a Dehn presentation (with generators corresponding to regions of ...
Yury Belousov's user avatar