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2 votes
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Density of "simultaneous squares"

Let $(u,v)$ be a pair of non-zero integers. We say that $(u,v)$ is a pair of simultaneous squares if for all primes $p$ dividing $u$, we have $\left(\frac{v}{p}\right) = 1$ and for all primes $q$ ...
7 votes
0 answers

Chowla's Construction of prime having least quadratic non-residue $\gg \log p$

This paper by NC Ankeny mentions that " S. Chowla has proved that there exist infinitely many primes $k$ where the first $c_1\log k$ residues $(\bmod k)$ are all quadratic residues". I recently ...
3 votes
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Averages of $L(s,\chi)$

Let $(\frac{m}{n})$ denote the usual quadratic Jacobi symbol. What is the abscissa of convergence of the double Dirichlet series ? $$ \sum_{\substack{m,n \in \mathbb{N} \\ \gcd(m,n)=1 \\m,n\equiv 1 \...