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What is the groupoid cardinality of the category of vector spaces over a finite field?

For any groupoid, it's groupoid cardinality is the sum of the reciprocals of the automorphism groups over the isomorphism classes. Let us consider the category of vector spaces over a finite field $\...
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Inequality for functions on [0,1], continued

Let $0<a<1,\; \psi_a(x)=\displaystyle \prod_{j=0}^\infty (1-a^jx).$ For each $ k\in \mathbb{N},$ set $$f_k(a;x):=\frac{x^k}{(1-a)(1-a^2)\dots (1-a^k)}\,\psi_a(x).$$ Question. Is it true that, ...
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$q$-factorial coefficient asymptotics

Consider the $[n]!_q = \prod\limits_{k = 1}^{n} \frac{q^k - 1}{q - 1} = \sum\limits_{k = 0}^{\binom n 2} c_k q^k$ and let $\{f_n\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ be the sequence of the functions on $[0; 1]$ ...
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