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Quantum version of Kostant's basis of ℤ-form of U(𝔤)

Kostant showed that the subring of $\mathcal U(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$ generated by the divided powers $e^c/c!$ and $f^a/a!$ has a $\mathbb Z$-basis given by the elements $\frac{f^a}{a!}\binom hb \frac{e^c}{...
Linus S's user avatar
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Is there a nice q-analogue of the Jacobi identity in a quantized enveloping algebra?

In a Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ the Jacobi identity $\newcommand{\bracket}[2]{\left[#1\,#2\right]} \bracket{x}{\bracket{y}{z}} + \bracket{z}{\bracket{x}{y}} + \bracket{y}{\bracket{z}{x}} = 0$ holds. ...
Mike Pierce's user avatar
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$(q,x)$-analog of $n!$

While doing some work in geometric representation theory I have come across the following sequence of polynomials in two variables $(q,x)$ which I would like to denote by $n!_{q,x}$. For small $n$ ...
Alexander Braverman's user avatar
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Is there a q-analog to the braid group?

The braid group $B_n$ on $n$ strands fits into a short exact sequence of groups: $$ 1 \longrightarrow P_n \longrightarrow B_n \longrightarrow S_n \longrightarrow 1,$$ where $S_n$ is the symmetric ...
John Wiltshire-Gordon's user avatar