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The covariance of certain random variable

We define two random variables $X_n,Y_n $ on the sample space $\{1,2,3,\cdots,n\}$ with counting measure. We denote by $C_n$ the covariance of theses two random variables: $C_n=Cov(X_n,Y_n)$. ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
32 votes
3 answers

What is the Katz-Sarnak philosophy?

It has been recently mentioned by a speaker (his talk is completely not relevant to random matrix theory/RMT though) that modern statistics, especially random matrices theory, will help solving some ...
Henry.L's user avatar
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15 votes
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What areas of algebra could be interesting to probability theorists?

I would like to find some topic of algebra (beyond linear algebra; algebraic number theory is fine) that would be interesting both to a student that wants to specialize in probability theory and to me ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
3 votes
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finding rank-3 tensors compatible with a rank-2 tensor projection

I am interested in the following problem: Consider a rank-3 symmetric tensor $\boldsymbol{\sigma}$ with $\sigma_{ijk}$ where $\sigma_{ijk}$ can be 0 or 1, and the symmetry is with respect to any ...
Ed Wolf's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

Drawing natural numbers without replacement.

Suppose we start with an initial probability distribution on $\mathbb{N}$ that gives positive probability to each $n$. Let's call this random variable $X_1$ so we have $P(X_1=n)=p_{1,n}>0$ for all $...
HMPanzo's user avatar
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Estimating a multinomial sum

I have the following sum \begin{equation} \sum_{r_1=q+1}^{\tau}\dots\sum_{r_\lambda=q+1}^{\tau}{\tau\choose r_1,\dots,r_\lambda,\tau-r_1-\dots -r_\lambda} (\Lambda-\lambda)^{\tau-r_1-\dots-r_\lambda} \...
Eduardo Lopez's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Notions of "independent" and "uncorrelated" for subsets of the natural numbers

In probability/statistics, there is a notion of two things being "independent", which would basically mean that any information we can get about one thing has no effect on our (probabilistic)...
Vipul Naik's user avatar
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