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4 votes
2 answers

Simulating random sequential adsorption in reverse

Please consider two processes: Process 1 - I simulate random sequential adsorption of discs on the unit square in the continuum limit, randomly selecting real number coordinates and rejecting the ...
4 votes
1 answer

Nontrivial lower bounds on Cheeger inequalities for Markov chains

For a reversible Markov chain $X_{t}$ on $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ with transition kernel $K$ and stationary distribution $\pi$, it is well-known that the `spectral gap' (basically, the size of $K$ when ...
2 votes
1 answer

The largest circle that encloses no points on a plane with points placed at $N$ random coordinates

I randomly scatter $N$ points on a bounded rectangular plane $P$ with dimensions $A \times B$. To be more specific, for $N$ iterations, I choose a real number $x \in [0, A]$ and a real number $y \in [...
7 votes
3 answers

Expected minimum face angle of random convex polyhedron in $\mathbb{R}^3$

Let $P_n$ be a "random convex polyhedron" in $\mathbb{R}^3$ of $n$ vertices, where "random" could follow any one of a number of models: (1) the convex hull of $n$ points randomly and uniformly ...
3 votes
1 answer

What is the expected value for this

If there are $8$ random points in the plane whose horizontal coordinate and vertical coordinate are uniformly distributed on the open interval $\left(0,1\right)$, what is the expected largest size of ...
6 votes
1 answer

Trasportation metric (AKA Earth-Mover's, Wasserstein, etc.) as "natural" / "induced"?

Context: Given a discrete finite metric space $X$ (in my case X={0,1}$^n$ with the Hamming/L$_1$ distance), I need to define the natural or canonical metric on the set of all probability distributions ...
1 vote
0 answers

Volume estimates of rooted embedded tree containing certain subtrees.

Consider a rooted embedded tree of $n+1$ vertices. It is known that around the root for small $r$, volume of the ball of radius $r$ grows like $r^2$. Now suppose we are given that a certain subtree is ...
5 votes
2 answers

Product of random diagonals on the unit circle

Let $P_1, P_2, ..., P_n$ be points randomly placed on a unit circle from a uniform distribution. Consider the product $D$ of all pairwise distances: $D=\displaystyle \prod_{1\leq i < j \leq n} \...
1 vote
1 answer

The probability a self-avoiding random walk (SAW) on a rectangular or hexagonal lattice takes more than $N$ steps before trapping itself

What is the probability that a self-avoiding random walk (SAW) on a rectangular or hexagonal lattice is able to take more than $N$ steps, i.e. able to take more than $N$ steps before trapping itself ...
8 votes
3 answers

Expected distance between two points in the plane

Let $f(x)$ be a continuous probability distribution in the plane. It is obvious that if $X$ and $X'$ are two independent random samples from $f$, then $\mathbf{E}(\|X - X'\|) \leq 2 \mathbf{E}(\|X\|)$...
2 votes
1 answer

The distance between the centroid of $P$ points and the centroid of a subset of the points

Imagine I have an $(p_1, ..., p_N) \in P$ points, on a two-dimensional plane, patterned in a rectangular or hexagonal lattice arrangement in a circle of radius $R_c$, with a spacing between the points ...
6 votes
2 answers

Number of neigbour Voronoi cells for a random set of points on S^k or cube [-1, 1]^k?

Consider $S^k \subset R^{k+1} $. Sample $N$ points by say uniform distribution. (Example k=120, N=2^24, i.e. N>>k ). Consider Voronoi cell around each point. How many neighbours would a cell have ...
0 votes
5 answers

Generate points of a (n-2)-sphere on a n-hyperplane [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Efficiently sampling points uniformly from the surface of an n-sphere I'm trying to generate random points of a (n-2)-sphere on a n-hyperplane so basically the intersection of ...
11 votes
0 answers

High-dimensional geometry: Top-down Vs. Bottom-up

There are several ways to leverage one's intuition from low-dimensional geometry to understand high-dimensional phenomena. For example, one can get a clearer picture of the behaviour of high-...
3 votes
0 answers

The mean number of vertices in small connected components of random geometric graphs

I place $N$ points on a circular plane of radius $R$, and draw edges to connect points that are less than or equal to some distance $D$ to form a set of graphs or cliques $G_i$. As a function of $N$, ...
1 vote
0 answers

Proving that an optimal solution "converges"

This question is a follow-up on a previous question I asked at: Distances between and among points in a region Let $X = x_1,\dots,x_n$ denote a finite set of $n$ points in the unit circle $C$ in the ...
4 votes
2 answers

Selecting two random points inside a sphere which are a fixed distance apart

Without appealing to a guess-and-check approach, how might I select a pair of random points inside of a sphere of radius $R$ s.t. the points always a distance $d \leq R$ apart? Can the selected ...
45 votes
1 answer

Rolling a random walk on a sphere

A ball rolls down an inclined plane, encountering horizontal obstacles, at which it rolls left/right with equal probability. There are regularly spaced staggered gaps that let the ball roll down to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Distances between and among points in a region

Let $X = \{x_1, \dots, x_n\}$ denote a finite set of $n$ points in the unit square $S$, and let's center $S$ at the origin. Let $F(X) = \sum_{i=1}^n \| x_i \| $ and let $G(X) = \iint_S \min_i \|x - ...
2 votes
1 answer

Inferring the location of a reflecting boundary in a toroidal cage with a Brownian particle

Let's say I have a Brownian particle of some radius $r_b$ and coefficient of diffusion $D$, freely moving about in a toroidal/doughnut-shaped chamber with inner and outer radius $R_{inner}$ and $R_{...
6 votes
1 answer

Wasserstein geometry of measures on manifolds related to the generalized Legendre transform and $d^2/2$-convexity

Let $(M,g)$ be a fixed closed Riemannian manifold, normalized to have volume 1. We'll write $d_M(x,y)$ for the (geodesic) distance between two points $x,y\in M$. I'm interested in the following class ...
9 votes
2 answers

Small crown probabilities (and infinite dimensional margin assumption)

My question is: How do I find sharp upper bounds on $P(|q|\leq \epsilon)$ uniformly over a set of gaussian polynomes $q$ of degree two. Notations and definitions (to make the question rigorous) Let ...
5 votes
2 answers

Inequality involving probability measures [closed]

I have been working on a problem(alternate minimization) where I want to establish an inequality in which I am stuck. An $\alpha$- parameterized version of the divergence(Kullback-Leibler) takes the ...

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