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Characterizing principal polarizations of abelian surfaces

Suppose $X$ is a complex abelian variety of dimension 2. Then I believe the ring of endomorphisms $\mathrm{End}(X)$, tensored with $\mathbb{C}$, is isomorphic to a subalgebra $M_2(\mathbb{C})$ of $2 \...
John Baez's user avatar
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A question on "Ample subvarieties of algebraic varieties"

Corollary 3.3 in Chapter IV of "Ample subvarieties of algebraic varieties" by R. Hartshorne asserts the following: Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety and $Y\subset X$ a smooth subvariety ...
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Computing Picard groups of arbitrary quadric hyperplane

I know the Picard group of a smooth two dimensional quadric surface is $\mathbb Z^2$, but I am wondering if the computation can be generalized to higher dimension? In particular, is the Picard group ...
JKDASF's user avatar
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Semi-continuity of the Picard number

Let $f:X\rightarrow S$ be a family of smooth projective varieties. For $s\in S$ set $X_s := f^{-1}(s)$, and let $\rho(X_{s})$ be the Picard number of the fiber over $s\in S$. Fix a point $s_0\in S$. ...
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Relation between $\mathrm{Pic}^\natural_{X/S}$ and two notions of rigidification

Let $X/S$ be a relative curve (perhaps with more adjectives). I have come across a few instances of rigidifying and rigidificators, which I would like to understand better. In Liu-Lorenzini-Raynaud (...
Somatic Custard's user avatar
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Connection on line bundle over general simplicial toric variety

In, on page 60 and 61, it is mentioned that the connection of $\mathcal{O}(-n)$ over a (simplicial) toric variety of the form $$ (\mathbb{C}^N \backslash U)/(\...
Mtheorist's user avatar
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Picard group of toric varieties

I am trying to understand how to obtain the Picard group for general toric varieties. So far, I have been using information found in . Here, a toric variety has ...
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Picard groups, ample cones, and proper birational maps

Let $f:Y\to X$ be a proper birational map of normal varieties over an algebraically closed field which is an isomorphism over the regular locus. Q1: Is it the case that the pullback $f^*\...
Nicholas Proudfoot's user avatar
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How can one check that two line bundles on $\overline{M}_{0,n}$ coincide?

Let $X$ be the Deligne-Mumford compactification of $\mathcal{M}_{0,n}$. Suppose I have two (big) line bundles $L$ and $L'$ on $X$ and that I want to show that they are the same element of $Pic(X)$. Of ...
IMeasy's user avatar
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For a line bundle L on a smooth projective variety X, what is meant by Pic^L(X)

Hi everyone, Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over a field $k$ and let $L$ be a line bundle on $X$. I'm reading the article Heights for line bundles on arithmetic varieties and there one ...
Ariyan Javanpeykar's user avatar