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Vacuum state generating functional

In Theorem 1 of this paper Segal stablish a relation between states and generating functionals. He assert that in order to $\mu$ be a generating functional must satisfy $$ \sum_{j,k\in F} \mu (z_j-...
Gabriel Palau's user avatar
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What is the precise relationship between real Poisson algebras and commutative $C^*$ algebras?

I've been teaching myself quantum mechanics, and I realized that I'm missing something fundamental. Namely, there are two pictures that I don't know how to reconcile: Quantum Mechanics generalizes ...
Andrew NC's user avatar
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Multiplicativity of $\zeta$-function regularized determinant

Let $A$ be a selfadjoint elliptic differential operator on a compact manifold. In mathematical physics and differential topology one often defines its determinant using the $\zeta$-function ...
asv's user avatar
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$\zeta$-function regularized determinants

In (mathematical) physics in order to compute path integrals one often makes an infinite dimensional change of variables and uses infinite Jacobian as a purely formal expression. This step is done in ...
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