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Matching on sphere to create cycle with chords

Imagine a number of chords of a sphere $S$ which nearly, but not quite, pass through the center of $S$, in such a way that no pair of chords intersect:       I would like to ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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An "incomplete" tiling?

Given an $m\times n$ chess board, we place $p$ $2\times 1$ dominoes on the board so that they don't overlap. How many ways can we place them? When each square of the board is covered by a domino this ...
JJJZZZZZ's user avatar
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Generalizations of a theorem of Edmonds/Tutte on existence of a perfect matching in a graphs

It is well known that for a bipartite graph $G$ with bi-adjacency matrix $A$, then $\det A \neq 0$ (as a polynomial) iff $G$ has a perfect matching (there is a similar result for general graphs with ...
Agile_Eagle's user avatar
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Matching with probabilistic edges

Let $p<1$ be a constant. Consider two sets $A,B$, each with $n$ vertices. For each pair $(a,b)\in A\times B$, the edge between $a$ and $b$ appears with probability $p$, independently of the ...
Alexi's user avatar
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Reference Request: "Resolutions" of $K_n$ for $n$ odd

A resolution (in the combinatorial design sense) of $K_{n}$ is a collection of sets of edges of $K_{n}$ so that within each set of edges, each vertex appears once, and over the entire collection, each ...
coolpapa's user avatar
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Bounds for smallest non-trivial designs

Given $s>t\ge 2$, let $N(s,t)$ be the smallest integer $n>s$ such that there exists an “$(n;s;t;1)$-design” (i.e., a collection of $s$-subsets $e_1,\dots,e_m$ of $[n]:=\{1,\dots,n\}$, such that ...
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