If you're hoping for a nice formula, or for a fast algorithm that gives you the number exactly, then you're probably out of luck.
You're asking for the coefficients of the matching polynomial of a grid graph. As mentioned in Richard Stanley's answer, it was shown by Jerrum (Two-Dimensional Monomer-Dimer Systems
are Computationally Intractable, J. Stat. Phys. 48 (1987)) that this computational problem is $\mathsf{\#P}$-complete for planar graphs. That doesn't quite prove that the problem is $\mathsf{\#P}$-complete for grid graphs, but it seems unlikely that grid graphs are special enough to admit a fast algorithm.
On the other hand, planar graphs are quite friendly when it comes to fixed-parameter tractability. In particular, if you fix $m$, then $m\times n$ grid graphs have bounded treewidth (in fact, treewidth $m$), and a large class of computational problems on planar graphs with bounded treewidth (including this one) are fixed-parameter tractable. See for example On the fixed parameter complexity of graph enumeration
problems definable in monadic second-order logic, by B. Courcelle, J.A. Makowsky, and U. Rotics.
If you're satisfied with approximate counting, then the news is a bit better. The famous paper by Jerrum and Sinclair on Approximating the permanent gives a FPRAS for this problem (see Corollary 4.4).