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p-adic L functions from Selmer groups - how canonical are they?

For this question, I am going to be very concrete but very much appreciate broader viewpoints. Let $F$ be a number field and define $F_n = F(\mu_{p^n})$ and let us suppose for simplicity that $\mu_p \...
Asvin's user avatar
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12 votes
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$p$-adic L function of an odd Dirichlet character

Apologies for a naive question (especially for Iwasawa theorists): it is well-known and trivial to prove that the usual (elementary) construction of $p$-adic L functions attached to odd Dirichlet ...
Henri Cohen's user avatar
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$p$-adic analogue of modular forms, upper half-plane, and $L$-functions

In the classical picture, there is the (complex) modular form, defined on the (complex) upper half plane, which is related to the (complex) $L$-function via the Mellin transform. As I have recently ...
chbe's user avatar
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$p$-adic $L$-functions and congruence of $L$-values

I am reading about $p$-adic $L$-functions and I have one question in mind. To start with, I will write a proof I've learned of a congruence of $L$-values: Theorem: Let $p\geq5$ be a prime, $\alpha\...
James Moriarty's user avatar
4 votes
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Sign error in $\pm$-parts of modular symbols?

I am trying to connect the definition of $\pm$-modular symbols given in [Pollack, pg. 529] and [MTT,pg. 11] to those appearing in [Greenberg-Stevens, pg. 200 in #20 here], but I can't seem to ...
Arbutus's user avatar
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Why are the $p$-adic $L$-functions for a modular form with $a_p=0$ conjugates?

I have a question about the proof of Theorem 3.5 in Pollack's 2003 paper On the $p$-adic L-function of a Modular Form at a Supersingular Prime. The setup is as follows. Fix an eigenform $f\in S_k(N,\...
Arbutus's user avatar
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Calculation of Tate epsilon factor in the ramified case

Let $F$ be a nonarchimedean local field, $\chi$ a ramified character of $F^{\ast}$, $\psi$ a nontrivial character of $F$, and $dx$ a Haar measure on $F$ with respect to which the Fourier transform is ...
D_S's user avatar
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Change of variables for $p$-adic integral

Say $p$ is an odd prime. Suppose I have a measure $\mu$ on $\mathbf{Z}_p$. As in II.4.3 in Colmez - Fonctions d'une variable $p$-adique, I can restrict $\mu$ to $1+p\mathbf Z_p$, and there is a ...
Ashwin Iyengar's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Some questions on the $p$-adic properties of special $L$-values

Warning: Some naive, speculative questions from a total non expert. Let $\rho$ be a p-adic representation of the Galois group $Gal(\overline K/K)$ for a number field $K$. We can consider the Artin L-...
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