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Structure of well-ordered commutative monoids

Let $(M,+)$ be a commutative monoid. Let $<$ be a well-ordering on $M$, where $\forall a\in M,\ 0\leq a$ $\forall a,b,c\in M,\ a<b\Rightarrow a+c<b+c$ The first condition means $M$ will be ...
Pace Nielsen's user avatar
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Congruences that aren't "finite from above," take 2: semigroups

This is a hopefully less trivial version of this question. Briefly, say that a congruence is parafinite if it is the largest congruence contained in some equivalence relation with finitely many ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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2 answers

Generalization of the concept of a measure

Consider the following generalization of the concept of a measure: Let $L = (X, \lor, \land, \bot)$ be a semi-bounded lattice. Let $M = (Y, \bullet, e)$ be a commutative monoid. An $(L, M)$-measure is ...
user76284's user avatar
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Well-foundedness of divisibility vs well-foundedness of right- and left-divisibility

Say that a preorder (i.e., a reflexive and transitive binary relation) $\preceq$ on a set $X$ is artinian if there is no sequence $(x_n)_{n \ge 1}$ of elements of $X$ with $x_{n+1} \prec x_n$ for ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Is it true that the structure of a commutative ordered semiring is unique on a commutative ordered monoid?

Is it true that the structure of a commutative ordered semiring with identity is unique on a commutative ordered monoid (i.e., the structure of the monoid and the order are consistent)? I am not ...
Arshak Aivazian's user avatar
11 votes
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Does every finite poset have a rigid endomorphism?

Crossposted on Mathematics. In this post, an order-preserving self-map of a poset $X$ will be called an endomorphism of $X$, and such an endomorphism $f$ will be called rigid if the only automorphism ...
Pierre-Yves Gaillard's user avatar
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Non-commutative version of the order dimension of a poset

I view the order dimension of a poset $P$ as an inherently commutative notion. On the one hand, it can be defined via realizers, which I find fairly intuitive from an order-theoretic viewpoint. On the ...
Rene's user avatar
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Generating totally ordered free commutative monoids

Let’s say I have a set $A$. I build the free commutative monoid $M$ generated by $A$. When can a well-order on $A$ be extended to $M$, in a way that is compatible with its monoid structure? I am ...
Tartrate's user avatar
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Closedness of the partial order in complete Hausdorff semitopological semilattices

First some definitions. A semilattice is a commutative semigroup consisting of idempotents (i.e., elements such that $xx=x$). A typical example of a semilattice is the unit interval endowed with the ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Name for this algebraic structure?

I've found myself looking at a structure $\mathbb{M}$ whose important properties are: $\mathbb{M}$ is a discretely ordered additive monoid. $\mathbb{M}$ has a least element, and this least element is ...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
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Characters on monotone functions

Characters on the semigroup $(C_{+}^{b}(\mathbb{R}^{d}),+)$, i.e. on bounded positive continuous functions with the ususal pointwise addition, are known to be of the form $C_{+}^{b}(\mathbb{R}^{d})\ni ...
Tobsn's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Posets obtained from a semigroup by the definition $x \leq y \iff x \cdot y = x$

A po-groupoid is a groupoid $\langle A,\cdot\rangle $ such that the relation defined by $$ x \leq y \text{ if and only if } x \cdot y = x $$ is a partial order on $A$, the order related to $\langle ...
Pedro Sánchez Terraf's user avatar
2 votes
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Finitely generated ordered monoids and noetherian subsets

(This question was asked a long time ago on MSE but got no answer so far...) Let $E$ be an additively written cancellable commutative monoid with no non-trivial units. We furnish $E$ with the order ...
Fred Rohrer's user avatar
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Embedding a linearly ordered free monoid into a linearly ordered group

A linearly ordered (shortly, l.o.) monoid is a triple $\mathbb M = (M, \cdot, \le)$ for which $(M, \cdot)$ is a (multiplicatively written) monoid and $\le$ is a total order on $M$ such that $xy < ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Why do we choose the standard total order on the integers?

I understand why the set of natural numbers $\mathbb N = \{ 0, 1, 2, \cdots \}$ is equipped with a total order. Indeed, every monoid has a pre-order, where $$n' \succeq n \quad \mathrm{if~and~only~if} ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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7 votes
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A linearly orderable monoid which does not embed into a linearly orderable group

It is known (after an example of A.I. Mal'cev) that there exist cancellative semigroups which do not embed into a group. On the other hand, it is not difficult to see that every linearly orderable ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
4 votes
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Strictly totally ordered semigroups - Looking for references

Let $\mathfrak A = (A, \cdot)$ be a semigroup (written multiplicatively). We say that $\mathfrak A$ is linearly orderable if there exists a total order $\le$ on $A$ such that $ac < bc$ and $ca < ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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2 answers

Is this a pre-ordered commutative semigroup?

Motivation I'm studying an approach to axiomatic thermodynamics based on the notion of commutative semigroup $(S,+)$ with a preorder relation $\to$ on $S$. In other words, $S$ is non-empty set, the ...
José Figueroa-O'Farrill's user avatar