Say that a preorder (i.e., a reflexive and transitive binary relation) $\preceq$ on a set $X$ is
- artinian if there is no sequence $(x_n)_{n \ge 1}$ of elements of $X$ with $x_{n+1} \prec x_n$ for each $n$, where $u \prec v$ means as usual that $u \preceq v$ and $v \not\preceq u$ (some authors prefer the term "well-founded", others the term "noetherian"; I'm going for the term "artinian" because it sounds natural in the light of certain applications);
- noetherian if its dual $\preceq^{\rm op}$ is artinian, where $x \preceq^{\rm op} y$ iff $y \preceq x$.
Next, let $H$ be a (commutative or non-commutative) monoid and denote
by $\mid_H$ the divisibility preorder (on $H$), defined by $x \mid_H y$ iff $y = uxv$ for some $u, v \in H$;
by $\dashv_H$ the "divides-from-the-right'' preorder, defined by $x \dashv_H y$ iff $y = ux$ for some $u \in H$;
by $\vdash_H$ the "divides-from-the-left" preorder, that is, the "divides-from-the-right" preorder in the opposite monoid $H^{\rm op}$ of $H$.
My question is whether $\mid_H$ is artinian iff both $\dashv_H$ and $\vdash_H$ are artinian. I'm sure this is well known, but I haven't been able so far to find a reference. (By the way, is there a more standard (relational) symbol for the preorders I'm denoting by $\dashv_H$ and $\vdash_H$?)
The duals of these preorders were thoroughly studied in
J.A. Green, On the Structure of Semigroups, Annals of Math. 54 (1951) 163-172;
whence they are often referred to as the Green preorders. In particular, Theorem 4 in Green's paper implies that, if both $\dashv_H$ and $\vdash_H$ are artinian noetherian, then so also is $\mid_H$ (thanks to Benjamin Steinberg who made me notice in the comments below that I had misread Green's definitions and hence the conclusions of the theorem).
For the record, what I can prove is that the following are equivalent:
- $H$ is acyclic (i.e., $uxv \ne x$ for all $u, v, x \in H$ with $u \notin H^\times$ or $v \notin H^\times$) and $\mid_H$ is artinian.
- $H$ is unit-cancellative (i.e., $xy \ne x$ and $x \ne yx$ for all $x, y \in H$ with $y \notin H^\times$) and both $\dashv_H$ and $\vdash_H$ are artinian.
Here, $H^\times$ is the group of units of the monoid $H$.