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Moore-Penrose partial isometries and hermitian elements

Let $A$ be a unital Banach algebra. An element $a \in A$ is hermitian if $\|\mathrm{exp}(ita)\|=1$ for every $t \in \mathbb{R}$. An element $a \in A$ is Moore-Penrose invertible if there exists $b \in ...
Hannes Thiel's user avatar
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An example of non-invertible operator $F$ such that $P_nF$ is invertible on $\operatorname{Im}P_n$ or proving that It is impossible

Given: $X$ - any Banach space $F : X \to X$ (linear bounded and non-invertible) $P_n$, which is projector that strongly converges to the identity operator $I$ as $n \to\infty$ Can you help me come ...
TorteDeline's user avatar
3 votes
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Unicellular compact operators

An operator $T$ on a separable Hilbert space $H$ is called unicellular if any two closed invariant subspaces $M$ and $N$ are comparable; that is either $M\subseteq N$ or $N\subseteq M$. There are many ...
Markus's user avatar
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norm estimates for Schatten class

Let $C _p$ be the Schatten-p-classes on a separable Hilbert spaces, $p\ge 1$. Let ${\rm Tr}$ be the standard trace. Let $y\in C_p$ be a self-adjoint operator (or even a positive operator) and let $...
user92646's user avatar
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Trying to understand construction of $C^*$-algebra corresponding to a ternary $C^*$-ring from a paper

Recall that a ternary $C^*$-ring is a complex Banach space $X$, equipped with a associative ternary product $[.,.,.]:X^3 \to X$ which is linear in outer variables and conjugate linear in middle ...
Math Lover's user avatar
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Operator algebra on an invariant subset

In Rickart, page 50 Theorem 2.2.1, the statement is made: A linear subspace $\mathfrak{M}$ of the algebra $\mathfrak{A}-\mathfrak{L}$ is invariant with respect to the representation $a{\rightarrow}A_a^...
user54738's user avatar
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A quantitative characterization of bounded approximation property

Recall that a Banach space $X$ has the approximation property (AP for short ) if for every compact subset $K$ of $X$ and every $\varepsilon > 0$, there exists a finite rank operator $S$ on $X$ such ...
Dongyang Chen's user avatar
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Von Neumann Inequality in Banach spaces

It is known that the only Banach space that satisfies the von-Neumann inequality is the Hilbert space: Theorem (see e.g. Pisier, "Similarity Problems and Completely Bounded Maps", p 27) For a Banach ...
erz's user avatar
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Show that $(S^1)^*=B(\ell^2)$ knowing $(\ell^1)^*=l^\infty$

Is there a way to show that dual of trace class operators, $S^1$, is $B(\ell^2)$, bounded operators on $\ell^2$, knowing that dual of $\ell^1$ is $\ell^\infty$?
Ben's user avatar
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14 votes
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Criterion for a Banach algebra to be finite dimensional

Let $A$ be a Banach algebra (say, complex and unital) and suppose that every (closed) commutative subalgebra of $A$ is finite dimensional. Question. Does it follow that $A$ is finite dimensional? ...
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
7 votes
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Existence of spectral gap

I would like to start by saying that any comment or idea is highly appreciated. Let us observe that for Hilbert-Schmidt operators $H_1,H_2$ on an infinite-dimensional separable complex Hilbert space $...
Dixmier's user avatar
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Bounded operators on the Stinespring representation space

Let $A$ be a $C^*$-algebra and let $\phi:A\to B(H)$ be a completely positive map. The Stinespring representation theorem constructs a representation of $A$ on a Hilbert space $K$, which is constructed ...
user10439561's user avatar
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proving that $\mathcal{A}_\infty(X)$ is or is not norm-closed in $\mathcal{L}(X)$ for each Banach space $X$

Fix any $1\leq p\leq\infty$. If $X$ is a Banach space and $C\in(0,\infty)$, we say that $T\in\mathcal{A}_C(X)$ whenever, for each $(x_n)_{n=1}^\infty\subset B_X$ (where $B_X$ is the closed unit ball ...
Ben W's user avatar
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Can I define Fredholm Index using $\dim \ker ST - \dim \ker TS$?

$X$, $Y$ are Banach spaces. Let $S \in L(X, Y)$, $T \in L(Y, X)$, where $L(X, Y)$ denotes the Banach algebra of bounded linear operators from $X$ to $Y$. If we have that $Id_Y - ST \in \mathbb{K}(Y)$ ...
Clark Chong's user avatar
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Second adjoint operators on non quasi-reflexive Banach spaces

I am interested in 'algebraic-density'-type properties of second adjoint operators in the algebra of bounded operator on a second dual of a Banach space. Incidentally, I have a problem with ...
Kemot Ainak's user avatar