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Finite dimensional representation of tensor product

Let $A$ and $B$ be $C^*$ algebras, and let $\pi:A \odot B \to B(H)$ be a $*$-representation of the algebraic tensor product on a finite dimensional Hilbert space $H$. Let $x \in A \odot B$. Since $H$ ...
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Orthogonality relations for unitary representations of infinite (finitely generated) groups

Let $G$ be a group, and consider the matrix elements of finite dimensional irreducible unitary representations of $G$ over $\mathbb{C}$ as functions $f:G\to \mathbb{C}$. If $G$ is finite, any two ...
Holographer's user avatar
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Isometry from a representation to the representation tensored with itself

Suppose, the group $ G=S(2^{\infty})$ has a unitary representation $ \pi $ on a separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space $ H $. (The group $ S(2^{\infty}) $ is the direct limit of the following ...
DLN's user avatar
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General construction of enveloping C*-algebra, left/right-regular representation, etc

In a number of contexts (e.g. groups, crossed products, groupoids, Fell bundles) there are similar constructions of enveloping C*-algebras and left/right-regular representations that incorporate ...
Cameron Zwarich's user avatar
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Continuous fields of Hilbert spaces arising from representations of abelian C*-algebras

This is a followup to a previous question [1] on MO. Let $X$ be a second-countable, locally compact, Hausdorff space, and let $\mathscr H =\{H_x\}_{x\in X}$, be a measurable field of Hilbert spaces ...
Black's user avatar
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Decomposition of a contractive representation into an orthogonal sum for the $n$-dimensional case. Has this been done yet?

I know that it has been done for the two-dimensional case. Marek Kosiek showed it in his work "Decomposition of operator representations of the algebra $R(K_1 \times K_2)$" and "...
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