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Primage structures: induced domain partitioning by itterated inverse (reference request)

I am studying the list of inverse images (preimage sets) of some function $f$ at a given inverse depth $j$ -- for each element $x_i$ of a finite domain $X$. For example, the j-th such preimage list ...
bmf's user avatar
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make me idempotent

$T_n$ be the full transformation semigroup on $X_n= \{1, 2, \cdots , n\}$. $D_r =\{\alpha \in T_n: |im(\alpha)|=r\}$. $E(D_r)$ is the set of all idempotents of semigroup $T_n$. $support(\alpha)=\{...
1ENİGMA1's user avatar
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Amalgamated free-product of semigroups (definition)

I am self-studying some concepts including the title one. I reached the definition of an amalgamated free-product ${S_1}{*_U}S_2$ where $[S_1, S_2; U, w_1,w_2]$ is an amalgam of semigroups. Let $S_1=\...
Mikasa's user avatar
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a generalization of group (monoid with order-by-order invertible elements)

Fix a filtered monoid, $H=H_0\supsetneq H_1\supsetneq H_2\supsetneq\cdots$. Suppose for any $h\in H$ and any $n\in \Bbb{N}$ exists $h_n\in H$ such that $h\cdot h_n\in H_n$ and $h_n\cdot h\in H_n$. If ...
Dmitry Kerner's user avatar
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Right localization of $R[x,x^{-1}]$ at monic $f\in R[x]$

Let $R$ be a right Noetherian ring and $S=\{f\in R[x]\;|\;f\text{ monic}\}$. It is a result of Stafford that $S$ is a right denominator set in $R[x]$, so in particular we can localize $R[x]$ at any $f\...
Sam Williams's user avatar
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Spherical Rings

My question is concerned with filtered rings. It is a classical result that if $R$ is a finitely generated commutative ring graded by a semigroup $S$ then $S$ is also finitely generated. The reverse ...
Alex's user avatar
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Homomorphic image of $B_{\lambda}^o(S)$ is the Brandt $\lambda^o$-extension of some monoid with zero

Let $S$ be a monoid with zero and $I_{\lambda}$ be an indexed set, then $B_{\lambda}(S) = \{ (\alpha, s , \beta ) : \alpha , \beta \in I_{\lambda}, s\in S \} \cup \{0\}$ is a semigroup and $J = \{ (\...
user120386's user avatar
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When does an automorphism extend to a localisation (noncommutative rings)

Let $R$ be a (not necessarily commutative) ring. Let $\tau$ be an automorphism of $R$. Consider the localisation of $R$ at a set of multiplicative elements which satisfy the ore condition, say $X$. ...
No1729's user avatar
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Embedding a cancellative monoid into another in such a way that $|X-x|=|X|$, where $X$ is a fixed finite set and $x\in X$

Preliminaries. Let $\mathbb A = (A, +)$ be a possibly non-commutative semigroup. For $X, Y \subseteq A$ we set $$ X - Y := \{a \in A: a + y \in X\text{ for some }y \in Y\}, $$ which is just the usual ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Basic question about power series and complete group algebras

This is a pretty basic question, but I suspect it might be too exotic for math.stackexchange. Let $\mathbb{Z}_p$ be the $p$-adic integers. For free pro-$p$ group $F_r$ of rank $r$, we can consider ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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Monoid action on an uncountably infinite set

The action of a monoid on a finite set is equivalent to a finite state machine, however I would like a categorical way to think about an uncountably infinite state machine (a state transition system?)....
smolloy's user avatar
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Explicit calculation of module of derivations on noncommutative polynomial ring

Let $R$ be a commutative unital associative ring and set $R<x,y>$ to be the $R$-algebra of non-commuting polynomials in two variables over $R$. Explicitly how would one go about computing ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Decomposition results for locally commutative semigroups

Every finite abelian group is the direct product of its cyclic groups of prime order, and every commutative monoid divides a product of its cyclic submonoids. Could these results generalized to ...
StefanH's user avatar
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$\mathrm{rk}_R M$ vs $\mathrm{rk}_S M$ - how nice need $R,S$ be?

Let $R\hookrightarrow S$ be Noetherian (noncommutative) rings without zero divisors with $\mathrm{rk}_{R} S < \infty$ (e.g. $S=R*G$ the crossed product of $R$ with a finite group $G$). Let $M$ be a ...
Philip Kirschbaum's user avatar
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PBW-Theorem and multigraded Lie algebras

Fix a $\mathbb Z_+^n$-graded Lie algebra ${\frak a}=\oplus_{r \in\mathbb Z_+^n}^{} {\frak a}[r]$ such that ${\frak g}:={\frak a}[0]$ is a finite-dimensional semisimple Lie algebra over the complex ...
Lucas's user avatar
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semigroup actions of groups on regular rooted trees

If $G$ is a group which has a semigroup action on a regular rooted tree via prefix-preserving, continuous transformations (I give the tree the path metric), what kinds of algebraic restrictions can we ...
dan's user avatar
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Binomial expansion for noncommutative operator

Is it possible to find a closed formula for $(A^\dagger -kA)^n$ with $[A,A^\dagger]=1$ ? I am looking for the normal ordinate form: $\sum (A)^{n-j}(A^\dagger)^j$— possibly something to do with the ...
Flávio Oliveira Neto's user avatar
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Variety of commutative semi group [closed]

V is a variety of commutative semi group satisfying the identity $x^2 = x^3$. I need to prove that: $|F_V(\{x_1\dots,x_n\})|$ = $3^n -1$. Any hints on this ? $F_V$ is V-free algebra.
Alvis's user avatar
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configuration space and iterated loop space

Let the topological monoid $M$ be the configuration space $C(\mathbb{R}^n;X)=C_n(X)$ as in the book The geometry of iterated loop spaces, Theorem 5.2. I want to prove that the map $\alpha_n$ in ...
Shiquan Ren's user avatar
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commutative monoids have binary products? [closed]

Does the category CMonoid of commutative monoids have binary products? thanks
lala's user avatar
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A common name for a functorial construction of Commutative Algebra?

I am interested whether the following construction naturally appearing in Commutative Algebra has some know and acceped name. Given a commutative monoid $(M,+)$ and a set $X$, consider the family $F(...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Do monoid homomorphisms from $X^X$ to a group factor through $\text{Sym}(X)$? [closed]

Let $X$ be a set and let $(X^X,\circ)$ denote the monoid of all maps $f: X\to X$, together with composition. Let $(\text{Sym}(X),\circ)$ be the group of all bijections from $X$ to itself. Does there ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Are there overwhelmingly more finite monoids than finite spaces? [closed]

A function $f:\mathbb{Z}_{\geq 1}\to\mathbb{Z}_{\geq 1}$ overwhelms $g:\mathbb{Z}_{\geq 1}\to\mathbb{Z}_{\geq 1}$ if for any $k\in \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 1}$ the inequality $f(n)\leq g(n+k)$ holds only for ...
firn's user avatar
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