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Lifting in String Theory and QFT

I'm posting this here instead of Physics Stack as my question is on the precise mathematical meaning of a word which is often used in the physics literature. In theoretical physics (especially string ...
Hollis Williams's user avatar
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References for superhomology

This question concerns topological string theory. It was known sice its outset, that the BRST-cohomology ("observables") of the weakly coupled topological string B-model on a Calabi-Yau ...
Ramiro Hum-Sah's user avatar
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Where is there a treatment of double field theory other than in local coordinates?

The n-lab seems to lack a treatment of double field theory. Where is there a treatment other than in local coordinates? Or at least one which identifies the coordinates as local coordinates for a ...
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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Are there non-supersymmetric and/or non-Calabi-Yau topological sigma models?

I am reading some aspects of Mirror Symmetry and in mirror symmetry the $N=2$ SCFT on a Calabi Yau Manifold can be divided into two sectors each of which is a topological sigma model, A-Model and B-...
J Verma's user avatar
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What are D-branes, really?

In the past couple years, I've read many words pertaining to "D-branes" without feeling I have fully comprehended them. In broad terms, I think I get what they're about: They're supposed to serve as ...
Dan Kneezel's user avatar
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