This question concerns topological string theory.
It was known sice its outset, that the BRST-cohomology ("observables") of the weakly coupled topological string B-model on a Calabi-Yau threefold $X$ is identified as the ordinary Dolbeault cohomology ring of $X$.
My trouble:
I'm reading the famous Witten's paper Perturbative Gauge Theory As A String Theory In Twistor Space . The basic construction of this paper involves the B-model on the Calabi-Yau space $\mathbb{CP}^{3|4}$. I find the paper wonderful, but I'm struggling with what I should understand by "Dolbeault supercohomology" or "superhomology" in this and the broader context of supermanifolds. To be specific, I want to learn about this in order to rigorously and systematically compute (if possible) the general allowed observables in the aforementioned context.
I'm asking for your kind help to find a an introductory text, notes or papers to adquire basic practical knowledge on the field of supergeometry, specifically, on the analogue of the de Rham "homology" of a supermanifold.
Does anyone know if is it possible to explicitly compute the allowed branes in the case of the B-model over $\mathbb{CP}^{3|4}$ by means of homological/cohomological computations?
Observation: I'm aware of the fact that B-model branes must be strictly defined as elements of the derived bounded category of coherent sheaves on $X$ as was firstly pointed out by Douglas. But I will be happy just with a resource recommendation for "superhomology". In any case, and if possible, I would also sincerely appreciate any comment about the analogues of sheaf cohomology, Fukaya categories or stacks in the realm of supergeometry. I really like this field, it would be great to have references for the future.
Any comment or suggestion is helpful.